Monday, 6 November 2023

Write Python GUI program to add items in listbox widget and to print and delete the selected items from listbox on button click. Provide three separate buttons to add, print and delete.


Write Python GUI program to add items in listbox widget and to print and delete the selected items from listbox on button click. Provide three separate buttons to add, print and delete.   


import tkinter as tk


def add_item():

    item = entry.get()

    if item:

        listbox.insert(tk.END, item)

        entry.delete(0, tk.END)


def print_item():

    selected_index = listbox.curselection()

    if selected_index:

        selected_item = listbox.get(selected_index[0])

        print("Selected item:", selected_item)


def delete_item():

    selected_index = listbox.curselection()

    if selected_index:



# Create the main window

root = tk.Tk()

root.title("Listbox Example")


# Entry widget for adding items

entry = tk.Entry(root)



# Buttons to add, print, and delete items

add_button = tk.Button(root, text="Add", command=add_item)

print_button = tk.Button(root, text="Print", command=print_item)

delete_button = tk.Button(root, text="Delete", command=delete_item)





# Listbox to display items

listbox = tk.Listbox(root)


