Cpp-2019 pattern slips



 Slip 1

a)Write a C++ program to check maximum and minimum of two integer numbers. (Use Inline function and Conditional operator) 

 b)Create a C++ class MyFile with data members file pointer and filename. Write necessary member functions to accept and disp lay File . Overload the following operators:

Operator        Example         Purpose

+                 F3=F l+F2           Concatenate the contents of file F1 and F2 in F3.

!F3               Chan ges the case of alternate characters of file F3.        

 Slip 2

 a)Writea C++ program to find volume of cylinder, cone and sphere. (Use functionoverloading).

 b)Write a C++ program to create a class Movie with data members M_Name, Release_Year, Director_Name and Budget. (Use File Handling) Write necessary member functions to:

1.Accept details for 'n' Movies from user and store it in a file "M ovie. bet" .

11.Display Movie details from a file.

111.Count  the  number of objects stored in a file.        

 Slip 3

a)Writea C++ program to interchange value s of two integer numbers. (Use call byreference)

 b)Write a C++ program to accept ' n' numbers from user through Command Line Argument.Store all Even and Odd numbers in file "Even.txt" and "Odd.txt" respectively.

  Slip 4

 a)Write a C++ program to accept Worker informati on Worker_Na me, No_of_Hours_worked, Pay_ Rate and Salary. Write necessary functions to calculate and display the salary of Worker. (Use default value for Pay_Rate)           

 b)Write a C++ program to create a base class Employee (Emp-code, name, salary). Derive two classes as Fulltime (daily_wages, number_of_days) and Parttime (number_of_working_hours, hourly_wages). Write a menu driven program to perform following functions:

1.Accept the details of ' n ' employees and calculate the salary.

2.Display the details of ' n' employees.

3.Display the details of employee having maximum salary for both types of employees.

 Slip 5

 a)Consider the following C++ class

class Point


intx,y; public:

void setpoint(int, int); void showpoint();


 // To set the values ofx and y co-ordinate .

// To display co-ordinate of a point P in format (x, y).

 b)Create a C++ base class Shape. Derive three different classes Circle, Sphere and Cylinder from shape class. Write a C++ program to calculate area of Circle, Sphere and Cylinder. (Use pure virtual function).           

 Slip 6

 a)Write a C++ program to create two Classes Square and R ec tan gle.  Compare  area of  both  the shapes using friend  function. Accept appropriate data members  for  both  the classes .   

 b)Create a C++ class class Matrix




 int **p; int r, c;

//member functions

 Write necessary member functions to:

1.Accept M atrix elements

11.Display Matrix elements.

ll I.Ca lculate transpose of a Matrix .

(Use constructor and destructor)  

 Slip 7

a)Write a C++ program using class with data member char str[50] and function replace (char ch I , char ch2) every occurrence of ch l in str should be replaced with ch2 and return number of replacement it makes use  default value for char ch2. (Use ch2 as Default Argument)        

 b)Create a C++ class Vector with data memhers size & pointer to intege r. Th e s ize of the vec tor varies so the memory should be allocated dynamically.

Perfonn following operations:

1.Accept a vector

11.Display a vector in the format (10, 20, 30,     )

111.Calculate union of two vectors.

(use parameterized constructor & copy constructor)   

 Slip 8

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class Number, which contain static data member ' cnt' and member function ' Display() '. Display() should print number of times display operation is performed irrespective of the  object responsible for calling Display().

 b)Create a C++ class Person with data members Person_name, Mobile_number, Age, City.  Write necessary member functions for the following:

i.Search the mobile number of given person.

ii.Search the person name of given mobile number.

iii.Search all person details of given city.

(Use function overloading)           

 Slip 9

a)Consider the following C++ class

class Person


char Name [20];

charAdd r [30];

float Salary;

floattax_amount; public:    II member functions


Calculate tax amount by checking salary of a person

•For salary <=20000            tax rate=0     

•For salary >2000011< =40000    tax rate= 5% of salary.       

•For salary >40000  tax rate =10% of salary.     

 b)Create a C++ class Time with data members Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Write necessary member functions for the following: (Use Objects as arguments)

i.To accept a time.

ii.To display a time in format hh:mm:ss.

iii.To find difference between two time and display it in format hh:mm:ss.

 Slip 10

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class Account with data members Acc_n umber, Acc_type and Balance. Write member functions to accept and display ' n' account details. (Use dynamic memory allocation)

 b)Create a C++ class City with data membersCity_code, City_name, population. Write necessary member functions for the following:

i.Accep t details of n cities

ii.Display details of n cities in ascending order of population.

iii.Display details ofa particular city.

(Use  Array of object and to display city information use manipulators.)    

 Slip 11

 a)Create a C++ class MyArray, which contains single dimensional integer array of a give n size. Write  a member function to display sum of given array elements. ( Use Dynamic Constructor and Destructor)

 b)Create a base class Student with data members Roll_No, Name. Derives two classes from it, class Theory with data members M l , M2, M3, M4 and class Practical with data members P l , P2. Class Result(Total_Marks, Perce ntage , Grade) inherit s both Theory and Practical classes. (Use concept of Virtual Base Class and protected access specifiers)

Write a C++ menu driven program to perform the following functions:

i.Accept Student Information

ii.Display Student Information

iii.Calcul ate Total_marks, Percentage and Grade.        

 Slip 12

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class Date with data members day, month, and year. Use default. and parameterized constructor to initialize date and display date in dd-Mon-yyyy format. (Example: Input: 04-01-2021 Output: 04-Jan-2021)           

 b)Create a C++ class Weight with data members kilogram, gram. Write a C++ program using operator overloading to perform following functions:

1.Toaccept weight.

11. T o display weight in kilogram and gram format.

111. Overload += operator to add two weights.

1v. Overload ==  operator to check equality of two we ights. 

 Slip 13

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class Product  with  data  members  Product_id,  Product_Name,  Qty, Price. Write member functio ns to acce pt and d is pla y Pro du ct info rmation also disp lay number of objects created for Product class. (Use Static data member and Static member function)

 b)Create a C++ class Cuboid with data members length, breadth, and height. Write necessary member functions for the following:

1. voidsetvalues( float,float,floa t) to set values of data members.

11. voidgetvalues( ) to display values of data members.

111. floatvolum ( ) to calculate and return the volume of cuboid.

1v. float surface_ area( ) to calculate and return the surface area of cuboid.

(Use Inline function)          

 Slip 14

 a)Write a C++ program to accept radius of a Circle. Calculate and display diameter, circumference as well as area of a Circle. (Use Inline function)

 b)Create a C++ class MyString with data members a character pointer and str_length. (Use new and  delete operator). Write a C++ program using operator overloading to perform following operation:

1. !     To reverse the case of each alphabet from a given string.

11.<    To compare length of two strings.

111.+  To add  constant ' n' to each alphabet ofa string.           

 Slip 15

 a)Create a C++ class Fraction with data members Numerator and Denominator. Write a C++ program to calculate and display sum of two fractions. (Use Constructor)           

 b)Write a C++ class Seller (S_Name, Product_name, Sales_Quantity, Target_Quantity, Month, Commission). Eac h s ale sm an deals w ith a separate product and is ass igned a target for a month. At the end of the month his monthl y sales is compared with target and commission is calculated as follows:

•If Sales_Quantity>Target_Quantit y th en commiss ion is 25% of extra sa les made + I0% of ta rge t.

•If Sales_Quantit y = Target_Quantity then co mmiss ion is 10% of target.

•Otherwise commiss ion is zero.

Display salesman inform ation along with commission obtained. (Use array of objects)

 Slip 16

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class Machine with data members Machine_Id, Machine_Name, Price. Create and initi a lizeallvalues of Machine object by using parameterized constructor and copy constructor. Display details of Machine using setw() andsetprecsiion().      

 b)Create a C++ class MyMatrix and Write necessary member functions for the following:

i.To accept a Matrix

ii.To display a Matrix

iii.Overload unary ' -' operator to calculate trans pose ofa Matrix .

iv.Overload unary  '++' operator to increment matrix elements by 1.

 Slip 17

 a)Create a C++ class MyMatrix. Write a C++ program to accept and display a Matrix. Overload binary '- ' operator to calculate subtraction  of two matrices.       

 b)Design two base classes Student (S_id, Name, Class ) and Com petition (C_ id , C_Na me ). Derive a class Stud_Comp(Rank) from it. Write a menu driven program to perform following functions:

i.Accept information.

ii.Display information.

iii.Display Student Details in the ascending order of Rank of a specified competition.

(Use array of objects)         

 Slip 18

 a)Create a C++ class S tud e nt w ith data  members  Roll_no,  S_Name,  Class,  Percentage.  Accept  twostudents information and display inform ation of student  having  maxim um  percentage.  (Use  this pointer)         

b)        Create a C++ class MyArray with data members

-           int *arr

-           int size

Write necessary member functions to accept and display Array elements. Overload the following operators:

 Slip 19

a)Writea C++ program to create a class Distance with data members meter and centimeterto represent distance . Write a function Larger( ) to return the larger of twodistances. (Use this pointer)

 b)Create a C++ base class Media. Derive two different classes from it, class NewsPaper with data members N_Name, N_Editor, N_Price, No_of_Pages and class Magazine with data members M_Name, M_Editor, M_Price. Write a C++ program to accept and display infornrntion of both NewsPaper and Magazine. (Use pure virtual function)    

 Slip 20

 a)Create a C++ class Number with integer data member. Write necessary member functions to overload the operator unary pre and post increment ' ++ ' .         

 b)Createa       C++    class   for       inventoryof   Mobiles          with    data            membersModel,Mobile_Company, Color, Price and Quantity. Mobile can be sold, if stock is available , otherwise purchase will be made. Write necessary member functions for the following:

i.To accept mobile details from user.

ii.To sale a mobile. (Sale contains Mobile details & number of mobiles to be sold.)

iii.To Purchase a Mobile. (Purchase contains Mobile details & number of mobiles to be purchased)

 Slip 21

a)Create a C++ class Employee with data members Emp_id, Emp_Name, Company_Name and Salary. Write member functions to accept and display Employee information. Design User  defined Manipulator to print Salary.

(For Salary set right justification, maximum width to 7 and fill remaining spaces with '*')

 b)Create a C++ class for a two dimensional points. Write necessary member functions to accept & display the point object. Overload the following operators:

Operator        Example         Purpose

+ (Binary)      P3=P l+P2      Adds coordinates of point pl and p2.

- (Unary)        -Pl       Negates coordinates of point pl.

*(Binary)       P2=P l*n        Multiply coordinates of point pl  by constant ' n'.         

 Slip 22

 a)Write a C++ program to define two function templates for calculating the square and  cube of  give n numbers with different data types.           

 b)Write a C++ program to overload ' display_str' function as follows:

1. voiddisplay_str(char *) - Display a string in doub le quotes.

11. voiddisplay_str (int n, char *)- Display first n characters from a given string.

u1. voiddisplay_str (int m, intn,char *)- Display substring of a given string from position m to n.

 Slip 23

 a)Create a C++ class MyString with data member character pointer. Write a C++ program to accept and display a string. Overload  '+ ' operator to concatenate two strings.   

 b)Create a C++ class ComplexNumberwith data members real and imaginary. Write necessary functions:

i.To accept Complex Number using constructor.

ii.To display Complex Number in format [x + iy].

iii.To add two Complex Numbers by using friend function.    

 Slip 24

 a)Create a C++ class FixDeposit with data membersFD_No, Cust_Name, FD _Amt, Interest rate, Maturity amt, Number_of_months. Create and Initialize all values of FixDeposit object by using parameterized constructor with default value for interest rate. Calculate maturity amt using interest rate and display all the details.    

 b)Create a C++ class InvoiceBill with data members Order_id, O_Date, Customer_Name, No_of_Products, Prod_Name[], Quantity[], Pro d_Price[]. A Customer can buy ' n' products. Accept quantity for each product. Generate and Display the bill using app ropriateManipulators .(Use new operator) 

 Slip 25

 a)Write a C++ program to calculate mean, mode and median of three integer numbers.

(Use Inline function)          

 b)Write a C++ program to read the contents of a "SampleData.txt" file. Create "Upper.txt" file to store uppercase characters, "Lower.txt" file to store lowe r case characters, " Dig it.txt " fil e to s tore digits and " O th er.txt" file to store remaining characters of a given file.           

 Slip 26

 a)Writea C++ program to find average of 3 integer numhers and average of 3 floatnumhers.(Use function overloading)

 b)Create a C++ class Time with data members hours, minutes, seconds. Write a C++ program using

operator overloading to perform the following:

1.         !=        To check whether two Times are equal or not.

11.       >>       To accept the time.

m.        <<       To display the time.

 Slip 27

 a)Create a C++ class College, with data members College_Id, College_Name, Establishment_year, University _Name. Overload operators>> and << to accept and display College information.

 b)Create a base class Travels with data members T_no, Company_Name. Derive a class Route with data members Route_id, Source, and Destination from Travels class. Also derive a class Reservation  with data members Number_of_Seats, Travels_Class, Fare, and Travel_Date from Route.

Write a C++ program to perform following necessary member functions:

i.Accept  details of •n' reservations.

ii.Display details of all reservations.

iii.Display reservation  details of a specified Date.       

 Slip 28

 a)Write a C++ program to read array of ' n' integers from user and display it in reverse order.(Use Dynamic memory allocation)       

 b)Create a C++ class Employee with data members Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Mobile_No, Salary. Write necessary member functions for the following:

i.Accept details of n employees

ii.Display employee details in descending order of their salary.

iii.Display details of a particular employee.

(Use Array of object and Use appropriate manipulators)        

 Slip 29

 a)Write a C++ program to create a class E_Bill w ith data members Cust_Name, Meter_ID, No_of_Units and Total_Charges. Write member functions to accept and display customer information by calculating charges. (Rules to calculate electricity board charges)

•For first  100 units   : Rs.  1 per unit

•For next 200 units   : Rs. 2  per unit

•Beyond  300 units    : Rs. 5  per unit

All users are charged a minimum of Rs.150. If the total charge 1s more than Rs.250.00 then an additional charge of 15% is added.     

 b)Create a C++ class VisitingStaff with data members Name, No_of_Subjects, Name_of_Subjects[],Working_hours, Total_Salary. (Number of subjects varies for a Staff).Write a parameterized constructor to initialize the data members and create an array for Name_of_Subjectsdynamically . Display Visiting Staff details by calculating salary. (Assume remuneration Rs. 300 per working hour)

  Slip 30

 a)Write C++ program to create two classes Integer_Array and Float_Array with an array as a data member. Write necessary member functions to accept and display array elements of both the classes. Find and display average of  both the array. (Use Friend function)

 b)Create a C++ class Marksheet with data members Seat_No, Student_Name, Class, Subject_Na me[], Int_Marks[], Ext_M arks[], Total[], Grand_Total, Percentage, Grade. Write member function to accept Student information for 5 subjects. Calculate Total, Grand_Total, Percentage, Grade and use setw( ), setprecision ( )and   setfill ( )to display Marksheet.