Python Slips

 Slip 1

 A)Write a Python program toaccept n numbers in list and remove duplicates from a list.  

 B)Write Python GUI program to take accept your birthdate and output your age when a button is pressed.         


Slip 2

 A)Write a Python function that accepts a string and calculate the number of upper case letters and lower case letters.

Sample String: 'The quick Brown Fox'

Expected Output:

No. of Upper case characters: 3

No. of Lower case characters: 13


B)Write Python GUI program tocreate a digital clock with Tkinter to display the time.



 A)Write a Python program to check if a given key already exists in a dictionary. If key exists replace with another key/value pair.

 B)Write a python script todefine a class student having members roll no, name, age, gender. Create asubclass called Test with member marks of 3 subjects. Create three objects ofthe Test class and display all the details of the student with total marks.


 A)Write Python GUI program tocreate background with changing colors

 B)Define a class Employee having members id, name, department, salary. Create a subclass called manager with member bonus. Define methods accept and display in both the classes. Create n objects of the manager class and display the details of the manager having the maximum total salary (salary+bonus).           


 A)Write a Python script using class, which has two methods get_String and print_String. get_String accept a string from the user and print_String print the string in upper case.           

 B)Write a python script to generate Fibonacci terms using generator function.


 A)Write python script usingpackage to calculate area and volume of cube and sphere

 B)Write a Python GUI program to create a label and change the label font style (font name, bold, size). Specify separate check button for each style. 


 A)Write Python class to perform addition of two complex numbers using binary + operator overloading.        

B)Write python GUI program togenerate a random password with upper and lower case letters.


 A)Write a python script to find the repeated items of a tuple           

 B)Write a Python class whichhas two methods get_String and print_String. get_String accept a string fromthe user and print_String print the string in upper case. Further modify theprogram to reverse a string word by word and print it in lower case.


 A)Write a Python script using class to reverse a string word by word          

 B)Write Python GUI program to accept a number n and check whether it is Prime, Perfect or Armstrong number or not. Specify three radio buttons.       

 Slip 10

A)Write Python GUI program todisplay an alert message when a button is pressed.

 B)Write a Python class to find validity of a string of parentheses, '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' ']’. These brackets must be close in the correct order. for example "()" and "()[]{}" are valid but "[)", "({[)]" and "{{{" are invalid.      


 A)Write a Python program to compute element-wise sum of given tuples.

Original lists: (1, 2, 3, 4) (3, 5, 2, 1) (2, 2, 3, 1)

Element-wise sum of the said tuples: (6, 9, 8, 6)

B)Write Python GUI program toadd menu bar with name of colors as options to change the background color asper selection from menu option.  

 Slip 12

 A)Write a Python GUI program to create a label and change the label font style (font name, bold, size) using tkinter module.          

 B)Write a python program to count repeated characters in a string. Sample string: 'thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog'

Expected output: o-4, e-3, u-2, h-2, r-2, t-2   

 Slip 13

 A)Write a Python program to input a positive integer. Display correct message for correct and incorrect input. (Use Exception Handling)  

 B)Write a program to implement the concept of queue using list.    


 A)Write a Python GUI program to accept dimensions of a cylinder and display the surface area and volume of cylinder.         

 B)Write a Python program to display plain text and cipher text using a Caesar encryption.

 Slip 15

A)Write a Python class named Student with two attributes student_name, marks. Modify the attribute values of the said class and print the original and modified values of the said attributes. 

 B)Write a python program to accept string and remove the characters which have odd index values of given string using user defined function.  

 Slip 16

 A)Write a python script tocreate a class Rectangle with data member’s length, width and methods area,perimeter which can compute the area and perimeter of rectangle.

 B)Write Python GUI program toadd items in listbox widget and to print and delete the selected items fromlistbox on button click. Provide three separate buttons to add, print anddelete.     

 Slip 17

 A)Write Python GUI program that takes input string and change letter to upper case when a button is pressed.

B)Define a class Date (Day, Month, Year) with functions to accept and display it. Accept date from user. Throw user defined exception “invalid Date Exception” if the date is invalid.       

 Slip 18

 A)Create a list a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] and write a python program that prints out all the elements of the list that are less than 5      

 B)Write a python script to define the class person having members name, address. Create a subclass called Employee with members staffed salary. Create 'n' objects of the Employee class and display all the details of the employee.           


 A)Write a Python GUI program to accept a number form user and display its multiplication table on button click.           

 B)Define a class named Shape and its subclass(Square/ Circle). The subclass has an init function which takes an argument (Lenght/redious). Both classes should have methods to calculate area and volume of a given shape.     

 Slip 20

 A)Write a python program to create a class Circle and Compute the Area and the circumferences of the circle.(use parameterized constructor)    

B)Write a Python script to generate and print a dictionary which contains a number (between 1 and n) in the form(x,x*x).Sample Dictionary (n=5)         Expected Output: {1:1, 2:4, 3:9, 4:16, 5:25}

 Slip 21

 A)Define a class namedRectangle which can be constructed by a length and width. The Rectangle classhas a method which can compute the area and Perimeter.

 B)Write a Python program to convert a tuple of string values to a tuple of integer values. Original tuple values: (('333', '33'), ('1416', '55'))New tuple values: ((333, 33), (1416, 55))      

 Slip 22

A)Write a python class to accept a string and number n from user and display n repetition of strings by overloading * operator.         

 B)Write a python script to implement bubble sort using list 

 Slip 23

 A)Write a Python GUI program to create a label and change the label font style (font name, bold, size) using tkinter module.          

 B)Create a class circles having members radius. Use operator overloading to add the radius of two circle objects. Also display the area of circle.           

 Slip 24

A)Write a Python Program to Check if given number is prime or not. Also find factorial of the given no using user defined function.       

 B)Write Python GUI program which accepts a number n to displays each digit of number in words.        

 Slip 25

 A)Write a Python functionthat accepts a string and calculate the number of upper case letters and lowercase letters.

Sample String : 'The quick Brow Fox'

Expected Output :

No. of Upper case characters : 3

No. of Lower case Characters : 12    

 B)Write a Python script to Create a Class which Performs Basic Calculator Operation

 Slip 26

 A)Write an anonymous function to find area of square and rectangle.         

 B)Write Python GUI program which accepts a sentence from the user and alters it when a button is pressed. Every space should be replaced by *, case of all alphabets should be reversed, digits are replaced by?.   

 Slip 27

 A)Write a Python program to unzip a list of tuples into individual lists.      

 B)Write Python GUI program to accept a decimal number and convert and display it to binary, octal and hexadecimal number. 

 Slip 28

 A)Write a Python GUI program to create a list of Computer Science Courses using Tkinter module (use Listbox).           

 B)Write a Python program toaccept two lists and merge the two lists into list of tuple.

 Slip 29

 A)Write a Python GUI program to calculate volume of Sphere by accepting radius as input.         

 B)Write a Python script tosort (ascending and descending) a dictionary by key and Value.

 Slip 30

 A)Write a Python GUI program to accept a string and a character from user and count the occurrences of a character in a string.      

 B)Python Program to Create a Class in which One Method Accepts a String from the User and Another method Prints it. Define a class named Country which has a method called print Nationality. Define subclass named state from Country which has a mehtod called printState. Write a method to print state, country and nationality.