Software Engineering

1.Introduction to System Concepts
1)What is Conceptual System and Physical System ?
2)System Elements
3)System Characteristics
4)Open and closed system
5)Define System
6)Define Elements of system
7)Define interface of a system with example
8)Difference between TPS and DSS
9)What  is physical  and abstract system
10)Explain control-feedback concept in a system.
11)Explain any four types of system in detail with example

2.Requirement Analysis
1)What are Rules of Interview?
2)Differentiate Structured Interview and Unstructured Interview.
3)Write a note on SRS.
4)System Analyst
5)Fact Gathering Techniques
6)Who is system Analysts?
7)What is structured interview?
8)Any two roles of System analysis
9)Define Economical feasibility
10)Explain 2 skill of system Analysts
11)Explain role of system Analysts as an architect and as a salesperson.
12)Feasibility study
13)State any two types of feasibility study.
14)Explain Requirement Anticipation in detail.

3.Introduction to Software Engineering
1)What is Reusability of Software ?
2)What is Software Engineering ? What are activities it include ?
3)What are characteristics of Software ?
4)McCall’s Quality factors.

4.Software Development Methodologies
1)Explain Prototyping Model.
2)2 advantage of prototype model
3)Spiral model with diagram
4)Two disadvantage of waterfall model
5)Advantage of waterfall model
6)2 advantage of RAD Model

5.Analysis and design Tools
1)Explain Data Dictionary with example.
2)What are Symbols of DFD ?
3)What is Cyclomatic Complexity ?
4)Write a note on Structured Chart
5)What is pseudo code
6)Define relationship
7)Explain normalization ?Explain notations of E-R Diagram
8)State and draw symbols of E-R Diagram
9)Explain the mapping cardinality in Relationship.
10)Give advantages of Data Dictionary.

6.Structural System Design
1)What is Preventive Maintenance ?
2)Explain Cohesion with example.
3)Explain different types of Coupling.
4)Types of Modules
5)Define coupling      
6)Qualities of good design
7)Explain types of Cohesion
8)What is modules
9)Two types of coupling
10)Define afferent and efferent module.
11)State advantages of Modular Programming.

7.Software Testing
1)Data Validation
2)White Box Testing
3)Test characteristics
4)Objective of Testing
5)Explain top down approach of integration testing
6)Validation and verification testing
7)What is software testing
8)What is Black box testing ?Explain the methods of BBT
9)Integration testing
10)2 principle of testing
11)Explain bottom up approach of integration testing
12)Explain performance ,regression ,acceptance testing
13)Define Unit Testing.

Case study

1)Design an Screen Layout for Mark Sheet Format.

2) If customer is within Maharashtra State and has Sales Tax Exemption Certificate no Sales Tax is levied; otherwise 8% Sales Tax is charged on the sales value. If the customer is outside Maharashtra State 4% Central Sales Tax in place of Sales Tax,is charged.Draw Decision Tree and Decision Table

3)Consider Nationalized Banking System which providing following
facilities :Opening New Account, Withdrawal, Deposit along with this it should
calculate Interest for balanced amount on account. Accountant should
provided different Reports to Bank Manager :
(a)Identify all Entity
(b)Draw E-R Diagram
(c)Draw Context Level DFD
(d)Draw First Level DFD

4) Airline Reservation System
(a)Identify all Entity
(b)Draw E-R Diagram
(c)Draw Context Level DFD
(d)Draw First Level DFD

5)Design o/p screen  for performance Report of salesman

6)If Cooperative bank  grants loan under following conditions.
1)If customer has account  with bank and has no loan outstanding loan will be granted
2)If customer has account  but some amount is outstanding from previous loans, loan will be granted  ,under special management approval.
3)Reject loan application in all other cases Draw Decision Tree and Decision Table

7) Design a I/P Screen Layout for purchase order entry.

8) Collage admission system
(a)Identify all Entity
(b)Draw E-R Diagram
(c)Draw Context Level DFD
(d)Draw First Level DFD

9)Design a Screen Layout for creating user account on Internet (with personal details, user-id and password, save, cancel commands etc).

10) A Mapro Foods Pvt. Ltd. Company is offering certain discount on the total amount of purchase. If the purchasing amount is more than 5,000 and the customer is making the payment within 5 days then company 5% discount on invoice. If the purchase amount is between 3,000 to 5,000 and the customer is making the payment within 5 days then company offers 3% discount. If the amount is less than 3,000 and customer is making the payment within 5 days then no discount offered and customer has to pay full amount. If customer is not able to pay within 5 days then no discount is given.Draw decision table and decision tree for the above case.

11) Consider a Hospital Management System in which the Hospital has InPatient Department (IPD), OutPatient Department (OPD) the
system maintains patient records and bills of patient it also manages,information of various wards in the hospital like ICU, General, Private,
Semi-private and Delux.
(a)Identify all entities.
(b)Draw context level diagram.
(c)First level DFD for the system.

12)Employee payroll system.
(a)Identify all Entity
(b)Draw E-R Diagram
(c)Draw Context Level DFD
(d)Draw First Level DFD

13)Design a prototype report for electric bill generation for electric company.

14)Sales tax is paid  by customers based on  following conditions
1)If customer is from Maharashtra and has sales tax  exemption  certificate the no sales tax is to be paid by customer
2)If customer is from Maharashtra and does not have sales tax  exemption  certificate  8% sales tax is to be paid.
3) If customer is out of  Maharashtra  4% central tax is to be paid
Draw decision table and decision tree for the above case.

15)Draw a decision tree and table for the following case:                                          
If Total income is less than Rs.22000 then no tax is deducted.If Income is between 22000 to 30000 deduction is 20% of the amount of exceeds Rs.22000. If Total income exceeds Rs. 100000 then tax Rs.27600 +50% of amount that exceeds Rs. 100000

16)Design a screen layout for quotaion entry.

17)Life Insurance corporation
(a)Identify all Entity
(b)Draw E-R Diagram
(c)Draw Context Level DFD
(d)Draw First Level DFD

18)Design an I/P screen layout for employees salary slip.

19) Draw decision tree and decision table for the following case :
A company gives discount on the purchase of goods depending on the sale and duration of payment :
(a)5% discount if order amount > 50,000.
(b)3% discount if order amount between 25,000 and 50,000
(c)No discount if order amount < 10,000 or payment is not done within 8 days.

20) Maxwell is a trading company which sells various consumables to its dealers. On receiving enquiry from dealers, the company sends quotation to dealer. The dealer then sends order to company. If stock is available then the order acceptance is sent to dealer and
subsequently invoice—cum—delivery challan is sent to dealer :
(1)Identify all the entities.
(2)Draw a context level DFD.
(3)Draw a 1st Level DFD for the above case.