Chapter 1 :-Introduction to OOP in PHP

1)What is serialization ?
2)What is Interospection ? Explain any two interospective function
3)Define Constructor. Explain  it with the help of Program.
4)WAPHP script to demonstrate the concept of introspection for   examining object.
5)State the purpose of $ this variable.
6)What is interface?
7)Explain Destructor with example.
8)What is inheritance? Give proper example.
9)Explain Abstract and Static methods with example.
10)Define clone.
11)Define an interface which has methods area(),volume(),define constant PI.Create a class cylinder which implements this (use define())
12)Name any two functions to extract basic information about classes in PHP.
13)WAP to demonstrate the introspection for examining    class(get_declared_classes(),get_class_methods(),get_class_vars().
14)Name any two variables of global array.

Chapter 2:-Web Techniques
1)Enlist the HTTP Request methods
2)What is setcookie () function ?
3)What is self-processing form ? Explain with Write a php program to upload the file and display its information (use $_FILES).
4)Explain cookie with example.
5)Enlist different attributes for ready state.
6)Explain Session with example.
8)Write a PHP program to accept two strings from user and check whether entered strings are matching or not ?(Use sticky form concept).
9)Explain Superglobals?
10)Name any two variables of $_SERVER array
11)How to check whether a variable is set with the session?
12)What is sticky form ? Explain with example.
13)Explain Response Headers.
14)Explain Redirection
15)Explain Maintaining State.
16)Explain Multivalued Parameter
17)State the difference between GET and POST methods.
18)WAP to select name off the fruits he/she likes (using multivalued parameters)

Chapter 3:-Databases
1)Which are the database supported by PHP.
2)Consider the following relational database:
Project(pno,ptitle) Student(sno,class,pno) WAP to accept project title and display list of students those who are working in a particular project.
3)Name any two parameter of mysql_connect()
4)Explain how to create and select database using PHP.
5)WAP to implement create,read,update and display operations on enmployee table with attribute(eno,ename,joiningdate).
6)Write a php program to capitalize of first letter of each name and check user email address contain @ symbol.
7)Explain Pear DB
8)What is Database? Different function in php to connect to the mysql
9)Explain the fetching of results from a query with the help of example.
10)WAP to accept student details(rno,name,class)and store them in student table(Max ,print them in sorted order of name on the browser in table format.

Chapter 4:-XML
1)What is XML?
2)Notes on XML document structure.
3)Enlist the method of DOM parser.
4)Explain how to link CSS to XML.
5)What is XML–RPC ?
6)Explain simplexml extension with the help of example
7)What is DOM ? Explain it with the help of program.
8)Create a XML file which gives details of books available in ‘‘ABC   Bookstore’’ from the following categories :
9)Explain the features of XML
10)Name any two elements of XML document structure.
11)Enlist the PHP DOM’s function.
12)Which are the parts of XML-RPC ?
13)Write php script to create CD catalog using XML file.
14)Explain XML DOM with example.
15)Explain HTTP Request.
16)Enlist the predefined internal entities in XML

Chapter 5:Web services
1)What is SOAP?
2)What is web services ?
3)Explain WSDL document structure
5)list any two php http function.

Chapter 6:-Ajax
1)Give any two applications of AJAX
2)Explain how Ajax works ?
3)Write a simple PHP program which implements Ajax for addition of two numbers.
4)Give  an  example  of  PHP  and  Ajax  application  for searching.
5)Write a Ajax program to display list of games stored in an array on clicking OK button.
6)Create Student table as follows : Student (Sno, Sname, per)Write Ajax program to select the student name and print the selected student’s details
7)Explain classical web application model and Ajax web application model.
