Sub: Core Java
Question Bank
1. Answer the following
1.Explain Five features of Java.
2.Explain Data types in Java
3.What is Expression ? Explain types of conversion?
4.What is constant?Explain types of constant.
5.What is comments? Explain types of comments in java.
6.Explain Preimitive Data types and Refrence data types?
7.What is Implicit Conversion and Explicit Conversion.
8.Explain any four operators in java.
9.Explain Structure of Java program
10.Explain any four string class methods.
2. Write a JAVA program
1.Write a java program to count vowels and consonants of given word.
2.Write a java program to count digit and spaces of given word.
3.Write a java program to accept n names of cities from users and display them in descending order.
4.Write a java program to accept n names of cities from users and display them in ascending order.
Assignment 1
1)Differentiate String and String Buffer class.
2)Write a short note on data types in java.
3)Explain each term in public static void main(string args[]).
Assignment 2
1)List Access specifiers used in java
2)List Java non access modifiers.
3)Explain in default access specifier
4)Explain runtime polymorphism in java with example.
5)Differentiate between abstract class and interface.