Write a ‘java’
program to display
characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.
Write a ‘java’ program to copy only non-numeric data from one file to another file.
Slip 2
Write a java program to display all the vowels from a given string.
Slip 3
Write a ‘java’ program to
check whether given number is Armstrong or not. (Use static keyword)
Slip 4
Write a java program to
display alternate character from a given string.
Write a java program using
Applet to implement a simple arithmetic calculator.
Write a java program to
display following pattern:
Slip 6
Write a java program todisplay transpose of a given matrix.
Slip 7
Slip 8
Write a java program todisplay the files having extension .txt from a given directory.
Write a java Program to
display following pattern:
Write a java program
to count the frequency of each character in a given string.
Write a java program
for the following:
Slip 11.
Write a
menu driven java program using command line arguments for the following:
Write an applet application to display Table lamp. The color of lamp should get change randomly
Write a java program to display each String in reverse order from a String array.
Write a Java program to calculate power of a numberusing recursion.
Write an applet application to display smiley
Slip 16
Write a java program
to calculate sum of digits of a given
number using recursion.
Slip 17
Write a Java program to display Fibonacci series using function.
Create an Applet that displays the x and y position of the cursor movement
using Mouse and Keyboard. (Use appropriate listener)
Write a Java program to calculate area of Circle,
Triangle & Rectangle.(Use Method Overloading)
Display the contents of the List using an Iterator
Display the contents of the List in reverse order using
a ListIterator.
Write a java program to display each word from a file in
reverse order.
Create a hashtable containing city name & STD code.
Display the details of the hashtable. Also search for a specific city and display
STD code of that city.
Write a Java program to calculate factorial of a numberusing recursion.
Write a java program for the following:
Write a java program to design following Frame using Swing.
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Write a java program to count number of digits, spaces and characters from a file.
Write a java program to check whether given string is palindromeor not.
Create a package named Series having three different classes
to print series:
Write a java program to generate ‘n’ terms of the above
Write a java program to display ASCII values of the characters from a file.
Write a java program
using applet to draw Temple.
Slip 27
Write a java program to accept a number from user, If it is
greater than 1000 then throw user defined exception “Number is out of Range”
otherwise display the factors of that number. (Use static keyword)
Slip 28
Write a java program to count the number of integers from a
given list. (Use Command line arguments).
Slip 29
Write a java program using Applet for bouncing ball. Ball shouldchange its color for each bounce.
Slip 30
Write a java program to accept a number from a user, if it is
zero then throw user defined Exception “Number is Zero”. If it is non-numeric
then generate an error “Number is Invalid” otherwise check whether it is palindrome
or not.
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Write a java program to design a following