Core Java (2019 Pattern)

 Slip 1

Write a ‘java’ program to display characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.

Write a ‘java’ program to copy only non-numeric data from one file to another file.

 Slip 2

Write a java program to display all the vowels from a given string.

Design a screen in Java to handle the Mouse Events such as MOUSE_MOVED and MOUSE_CLICK and display the position of the Mouse_Click in a TextField.

 Slip 3

Write a ‘java’ program to check whether given number is Armstrong or not. (Use static keyword)

Define an abstract class Shape with abstract methods area () and volume (). Derive abstract class Shape into two classes Cone and Cylinder. Write a java Program to calculate area and volume of Cone and Cylinder.(Use Super Keyword.)

 Slip 4

Write a java program to display alternate character from a given string.

Write a java program using Applet to implement a simple arithmetic calculator.


Write a java program to display following pattern:


4 5

3 4 5

2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5        

Write a java program to accept list of file names through command line. Delete the files having extension .txt. Display name, location and size of remaining files.

 Slip 6

Write a java program toaccept a number from user, if it zero then throw user defined Exception “NumberIs Zero”, otherwise calculate the sum of first and last digit of that number.(Use static keyword).      

Write a java program todisplay transpose of a given matrix.   

 Slip 7

 Write a java program to display Label withtext “Dr. D Y Patil College”, background color Red and font size 20 on theframe.

Write a java program toaccept details of ‘n’ cricket player (pid, pname, totalRuns, InningsPlayed,NotOuttimes). Calculate the average of all the players. Display the details ofplayer having maximum average. (Use Array of Object)

 Slip 8

Define an Interface Shapewith abstract method area(). Write a java program to calculate an area ofCircle and Sphere.(use final keyword)      

Write a java program todisplay the files having extension .txt from a given directory.         


Write a java Program to display following pattern:


0 1

0 1 0

1 0 1 0           

Write a java program to validate PAN number and Mobile Number. If it is invalid then throw user defined Exception “Invalid Data”, otherwise display it.

Slip 10

 Slip 12

Write a java program to display each String in reverse order from a String array.

Write a java program to display multiplication table of a given number into the List box by clicking on button.


Write a java program to accept ‘n’ integers from the user & store them in an ArrayList collection. Display the elements of ArrayList collection in reverse order.

Write a java program that asks the user name, and then greets the user by name. Before outputting the user's name, convert it to upper case letters. For example, if the user's name is Raj, then the program should respond "Hello, RAJ, nice to meet you!".


Write a Java program to calculate power of a numberusing recursion.


Write a java program to accept the details of employee (Eno, EName, Sal) and display it on next frame using appropriate event .



Write a java program to search given name into the array, if itis found then display its index otherwise display appropriate message.                                                                

Write an applet application to display smiley face.

Slip 16

Write a java program to calculate sum of digits of a given number using recursion.

 Write a java program to accept n employee names from user. Sort them in ascending order and Display them.(Use array of object and Static keyword)


Slip 17

Write a java Program to accept ‘n’ no’s throughcommand line and store only armstrong no’s into the array and display that array.

Define a class Product (pid, pname, price, qty). Write a function to accept the product details, display it and  calculate total amount. (use array of Objects)

 Slip 19

Write a Java program to display Fibonacci series using function. 

Create an Applet that displays the x and y position of the cursor movement

using Mouse and Keyboard. (Use appropriate listener)

 Slip 18

Write a Java program to calculate area of Circle, Triangle & Rectangle.(Use Method Overloading)           

Write a java program to copy the data from one file intoanother file, while copying change the case of characters in target file andreplaces all digits by ‘*’ symbol.

 Slip 20

Write a java program using AWT to create a Frame with title“TYBBACA”, background color RED. If user clicks on close button then frame shouldclose.

Construct a Linked List containing name: CPP, Java, Python and PHP. Then extend your java program to do the following:

Display the contents of the List using an Iterator

Display the contents of the List in reverse order using a ListIterator.



Write a java program to display each word from a file in reverse order.

Create a hashtable containing city name & STD code. Display the details of the hashtable. Also search for a specific city and display STD code of that city.



Write a Java program to calculate factorial of a numberusing recursion.


Write a java program for the following:                                                                      

To create a file.

To rename a file.

To delete a file.

To display path of a file.


Write a java program to check whether given file is hidden or not. If not then display its path, otherwise display appropriate message.                                                                       


Write a java program to design following Frame using Swing.                                  



Write a java program to count number of digits, spaces and characters from a file. 

Create a package TYBBACA with two classes as class Student(Rno, SName, Per) with a method disp() to display details of N Students andclass Teacher (TID, TName, Subject) with a method disp() to display the detailsof teacher who is teaching Java subject. (Make use of finalize() method and arrayof Object)



Write a java program to check whether given string is palindromeor not.

Create a package named Series having three different classes to print series:

Fibonacci series

Cube of numbers

Square of numbers

Write a java program to generate ‘n’ terms of the above series.

 Slip 26

Write a java program to display ASCII values of the characters from a file.

Write a java program using applet to draw Temple.

Slip 27

Write a java program to accept a number from user, If it is greater than 1000 then throw user defined exception “Number is out of Range” otherwise display the factors of that number. (Use static keyword)                  

Write a java program to accept directory name in TextField anddisplay list of files and subdirectories in List Control from that directory byclicking on Button.

Slip 28

Write a java program to count the number of integers from a given list. (Use Command line arguments).                                                                                                                

Write ajava Program to accept the details of 5 employees (Eno, Ename, Salary) and displayit onto the JTable.

Slip 29

Write a java program to check whether given candidate iseligible for voting or not. Handle user defined as well as system definedException.                                                         

Write a java program using Applet for bouncing ball. Ball shouldchange its color for each bounce.

Slip 30

Write a java program to accept a number from a user, if it is zero then throw user defined Exception “Number is Zero”. If it is non-numeric then generate an error “Number is Invalid” otherwise check whether it is palindrome or not.                                                 

Write a java program to design a following