Advance Java

Chapter 1

(a)what is the use of collablestatement ?
(b)write a jdbc program to accept the details of Emp(Eno ,Ename,sal,Desg) and store it into database.(use prepared statement interface).
(c)Differentiate between statement and prepared statement interface.?
(d)Explain JDBC architecture in detail.?
(e)write a jdbc program to update the salary of given employee and display updated details.Employee having and fields Eno,Ename,sal.?
(f)Give syntax of loading DriverManager.?
(g)What is prepared_statement?
(h)Explain JDBC Architecture with suitable diagram?
(i)Write a JDBC program to search all details of employee(empid,ename,city)who are living in city 'pune'.
(j)what is statement? Explain its different types.
(k)write a JDBC program to accept the details of Author(Aid,Aname,Bname, price) and store it into the database(use preparedstatement interface)

Chapter 2

(a)Differentiate between TCP/IP and UDP.
(b)write a socket program to display Date and Time of server's machine on the client's machine?
(c)write a socket program for chatting Application.(use AWT).
(d)write a socket program to accept file name from user,check whether it is available on server or not.if it is available then display its content on clients machine otherwise display an errror message
(e)what is accept() method in networking?
(f)Explain socket and serverSocket.?
(g)Write a socket program in java in which client accept a number,send it to the server and check whether it is prime or not?
(h)Write socket based java program to accept message from client converts
 the message into all uppercase letter and sends back the same to the client.write both client and server programs?

Chapter 3

(a)What are the different types of Servlets?
(b)What is the diffence between CGI and Servlet?
(c)Explain how session Tracking is achieved Servlet?
(d)Write a JSP program to calculate sum of first and last digit of a given number. Display sum in Red Color with font size 18.
(e)Write a JSP scipt to accept the details of student(RNo,SName,Gender,Computer_Knowledge and Class) and display it on the browser.Use appropriate controls for accepting data.
(f)Write a program for making a registration form which collects Id,Name,Address and email address send this data to a Servlet that display it
(g)Write a servlet program to accept the details of employee(Eno,Ename,Sal,Desg)store it into the database and display it on the browser in tabular format.
(h)Write a servlet program to accept user name and password from an user if it is valid then display "Welcome" message otherwise display "Error" message.
(i)What are the directives in JSP? How are they represented?
(j)What is Session Tracking?How is it implement in Servlet?
(k)Write JSP program to convert number into words.Ex.if number is 123 then output should be One Two Three.
(l)what are the advantages of servlet over CUI?
(m)Write a JSP program to check whether given Mail-id is valid or not Mail-id should contain one "@" symbol.

Chapter 4

(a)What is Thread?Explain different ways to create Thread in program?
(b)Write a multithreading program in java to display all the vowels from a given string.(Use Thread Class)
(c)Explain Thread Life Cycle with suitable diagram.
(d)Write a java program which will display name and priority of current thread. Change name of Thread to MyThread and priority to 2.Display the details of Thread.
(e)Write aMultithreading program in java to display the number's between 1 to100 continuosly in a TextField by clicking on button.(Use Runnable Interface).
(f)What is Thread?How to set priority to the thread.
(g)Explain interthread communication with an example.
(h)Write a multithreading program to display drawing temple on the applet container.
(i)Explain life cycle of thread.

Chapter 5

(a)What is RMI Registry?
(b)What is the use of getlocalhost() method?
(c)What is the use of manifest.txt file?
(d)what is the use of set Max inactive interval() method?
(e)What is RMI ? what are the proxy classes generated by RMI?
(f)What is java bean and explain its advantages?
(g)What is jar file? How is it created?