Data Structure Practical Assignment -C

 Data Structure Practical Assignment -C

Chapter 1 

Write a program to calculate addition ,subtraction ,multiplication,division using function.

Write a program to Calculate the Area of a Circle using Function.

Write a program to compute the factorial of a number using recursion.

Chapter 2

Write a Program to implement addition of two polynomials using 1 dimensional array.

Write a Program to implement subtraction of two polynomials using 1 dimensional array.

Write a Program to implement Multiplication of two polynomials using 1 dimensional array.

Write a Program to implement addition of two polynomials using 2  dimensional array.

Write a Program to Transpose Matrix

Chapter 3

 Write a function for Implementation of stack.

Write a Program to Checking of balanced parenthesis using stack

Write a Program to reverse a string using stack

 Write a function for Dynamic Implementation of stack.

Write a program to Evaluation of a postfix expression
Write a program to Evaluation of a prefix expression
Write a program to convert infix to postfix using stack

Write a program to convert infix to postfix using stack

Write a program to convert infix to prefix using stack

Write a program to convert infix to prefix using stack

Write a program to implement a dynamic stack(Use pointer,linked list)

Write a program to implement a dynamic Queue(Use pointer,linked list)

Chapter 4

Chapter 7:Searching and Sorting

Write a program to insertion Sort 

Write a Program to Bubble Sort .

Write a program to Selection Sort 

Write a Program Linear Search 

Write a Program Binary Search

Write a Program Linear search on sorted data 

Write a Program Linear search on unsorted data

Chapter 5: Linked List

Write a Program linked list create ,insertfirst ,last ,search ,sort

Write a Program linked list create ,insertlast ,deletefirst ,delete last

Chapter 6: Tree

Write a Program Implementation of a BST ,Add,Search ,Min,Max

Write a Program Implementation of a BST  create insert ,countleaf ,countnodes,depth 


