Subject:-Web Technology

Chapter 1 .Web essential
1)Explain Client server communication.
2)Give any two http request methods.
3)Write a note on HTTP
4)Write a note on Internet
5)Write a short note on WWW and FTP

Chapter 2. Markup Language
1)Define Basic structure of HTML
2)What is the use of <SPAN>
3)Explain <Font>tag with two attributes
4)Explain Image mapping and its type with example.
5)Explain Ordered and Unordered list
6)Explain <frames>tag with example.
7)Explain ant two HTML form elements with example.
8)Define <a> and <div> tag
9)Explain <pre>tag with example.
10)Explain physical and logical tags in HTML
11)List box properties in CSS.
12)What is selector ?List its types? 
13)Explain different types of style sheet in CSS.
14)List border properties in CSS.
15)List any 4 benefits of CSS.
16)List any 4 tags used in HTML.
17)Explain the use of <frameset>tag with an example.
18)How can user include image as hyperlink? Explain with example.
19)Explain Marquee with two attributes.
20)Give any two text formatting tags.
21)Explain Embedding Audio,Video in HTML.

Chapter 3:-JavaScript

1)Explain JavaScript array methods.

2)Name of any 2 events associated with mouse.

3)Explain event handling in javascript

4)Explain DOM in Javascript

5)Write a javascript to create an image slider(use array to store images)

6)Date objects in javascript.

7)Write a javascript to read a number from user,store its factors into the arrayand display that array.

8)List any 2 string functions in javascript.

9)Write a  JavaScript program to check given number is perfect or not.

11)Write a javascript to check whether a given number is prime or not.

12)Write a javascript code to validate E-mailId.

13)Explain any 2 dialog boxes used in javascript.

14)Write a JavaScript to create 4 button on thewebpage. Clicking on button will change the background colour of web page.

15)Give any 2 methods of History Objects.

16)Write a JavaScript program to find X n

17)Explain array methods in JavaScript.

18)Write a JavaScript to find factorial of a number.

19)List any 4 maths functions in JavaScript.

20)Give any 2 methods of date objects.

21)Difference between  Index array vs Associative array.

22)Explain global and local variable.

23)Explain Indexed array with example.

24)WAP to Calculate simple interest in JavaScript.

25)WAP to Calculate Net Salary in JavaScript

26)WAP to Calculate Electricity Bill

Chapter 4:-Introduction to PHP
1)What is the use of echo ()function?
2)What are the characteristics of PHP?
3)Explain get and post methods with example.
4)Explain any 2 control statements with syntax and example in php
5) Write a PHP Script to find sum of digits of a given number.
6) Write a PHP Script to display the elements along with key for an associative array.
7) Write a PHP Script to check whether a given number is palindrom or not
8)Explain type casting and type juggling in php
9)Define variable function in php
10)Explain in detail the lexical structure of the php
11) Write a PHP Script to display a multiplication table in tabular format.
12)Explain in Data types in php
13) Write a PHP Script to check whether a given number is Armstrong number or not
14) Write a PHP Script to generate fibonacci series.

Chapter 5:-Function and String in PHP
1)Explain in detail the methods used for string comparisons in PHP
2)Explain encoding and escaping in PHP
3)Write a PHP Script which will find out the character count of a particular character  in a string.
4)Name the function to remove white spaces from the beginning of a string.
5)What is use of hevedoc?
6)Write the purpose of explode function.
7)Write the purpose of implode function
8)Write a note on any five string handling functions
9)Explain any 2 string functions in php.

 Chapter 6:-Arrays in PHP
 1)Define Ksort()method with an example.
 2)Explain Indexed array with example.
 3)Explain slicing an array in PHP with example.
 4)Write short note on traversing array in PHP
 5)Explain array in PHP
 6)Difference between indexed versus associative array.
 7)Write a short note on padding an array.
 8)List any four iterator function in array.
 9)Define asort()function.
 10)State the purpose of array-walk function.
 11)Explain sort(),assort(),arsort(),ksort() function.
 12)Write a php function to find union of two arrays.
 13)Explain built in sorting functions in php
 14)Give the functions used in php for traversing an array.
 15)Write a php script to sort the numbers of an array using built in function.
 16)Write a php script to display the elements along with key for an associative array.
 17)Describe multidimensional array with example.

Solve the Program
1)Write a HTML Code

Train Time Table
Arrival time
Departure time
Mumbai Express
2:30 pm

2) Write a HTML Code
·        JAVA
·        Web tech
·        OOPS
·        NET

3)Write a HTML Code

Train Time Table
Arrival time
Departure time
Nashik Express
4:30 pm

4) Write a HTML Code with frame tag.

5) Write a HTML Code
Supplier Name
Product Name
Product Details
Total Price
Poonam Electronics

6)Write a HTML Code
·     Mango·
·     Apple·   
·     Orange

·        Tomato  
·        Potato    
·        Onion.

7)Write a HTML Code to create the following frame.

      8)Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page. Divide the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will display the heading. Divide the second frame into two columns. The frame on the right contains a image of “Home and Kitchen Appliances”. The frame on the left contains a menu consisting of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information in a new page as shown below.  Use External style sheet with appropriate attributes to display information of each frame.