#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define max 100 // Define maximum size of the stack
int top = -1, stack[max]; // Initialize top and the stack
void push(char x) {
// Push (Inserting Element in stack) operation
if (top == max - 1) {
printf("Stack overflow\n");
} else {
stack[++top] = x; // Push the character onto the stack
void pop() {
// Pop (Removing element from stack)
if (top == -1) { // Check if stack is empty
printf("Stack underflow\n");
} else {
printf("%c", stack[top--]); // Print and remove the top character
int main() {
char str[max]; // Array to store the string
// Input the string
printf("Enter string: ");
scanf("%s", str); // Read string input
int len = strlen(str); // Get the length of the string
int i;
// Push each character of the string onto the stack
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Pop characters from the stack to reverse the string
printf("Reversed string: ");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
pop(); // Call pop to print each character in reverse
return 0;