Software Testing


Long Questions

  1. Define Software Testing, Testing objectives and elaborate on the testing principles.

  2. What do you mean by review? Explain Inspection Process.

  3. Explain Bug Life Cycle with a neat diagram.

  4. Explain V-V Model of testing in detail.

  5. Explain Software testing life cycle with diagram. 

  6. Write difference between Static and Dynamic testing.

  7. Explain white box testing and its techniques.

  8. Differentiate between white box and black box testing.

  9. What do you mean by software quality assurance? Explain SQA activities

  10. What are levels of testing? Explain in detail.

  11. What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? How TDD is performed?

  12. Explain SQA standards.

  13. Define non-functional testing and explain its types.

Test Cases and Solving 

  1. Write four test cases for payment through a debit card option for an interactive web app, considering various positive and negative scenarios.

  2.  Explain test case design for the login process.

  3. Write any 4 test cases for testing login functionality of an E-mail application.

  4. Write 4 test cases for testing debit card payment form of the payment module for an e-commerce web application.

  5. Write a detailed test plan for online grossary ordering mobile application. The application functionalities are registration, login, check items, price, delivery time etc.

  6. Write a test plan with scope and objectives of testing, risks, contingencies and strategy, schedule, deliverables for Know Edge, an online learning platform.

  7. Write any 4 tests cases for traffic signal

  8. Find the minimum test required for statement coverage. 

order_qty = 0

 Read order_qty

 If order_qty >= 20 then

 Disc = 0.05

 If order_qty >= 100 then

 Disc = 0.1

 Endif Endif

   9.Find the minimum tests required for statement and branch coverage

for the following 

Discount rate = 1;

Fare = 9000;

if (Person = = “Senior Citizen”) and

(travel - month = “May”))

Bonuspoints = 100 + Bonuspoints

if (Class = “First”)

discount Rate = 5;

Fare = Fare * discount Rate;

Short Notes

  1. Boundary Value Analysis Technique with an example

  2.  Security Testing 

  3.  Regression Testing

  4. System testing 

  5.  Statement coverage criteria of White-Box testing

  6.  Types of static testing techniques.

  7. Data flow analysis.