Sunday, 19 November 2017


2)Write HTML and CSS code to design a web page displaying list of hyperlinks. Divide the browser screen into two frames. The first frame will display the heading. Divide the second frame into two columns. The frame on the left will be a menu consisting of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information as a new page which must be open in frame on the right hand side.Use Inline style sheet with appropriate attributes to display information of each frame.

IT Industries in INDIA
  1. Pune
  2. Banglore
  3. Hydrabad
  4. Delhi
·         Infosys
·         TCS
·         Tech-Mahindra
·         Persistent



 <html><head><title> Frame Example </title></head>

<frameset rows="30%,*">

<frame src="header.html" name="frame1">

<frameset cols="30%,*">

<frame src="links.html" name="frame2">

<frame src="pune.html" name="frame3">







<html><head><title> Frame Example </title></head>

<body style="background-color:green;"><h1 align="center" style="color:red;">IT Industries in India</FONT></H1></BODY>



 <html><head><title> Frame Example </title></head>

<body style="background-color:pink;"><b>City</b><br>

<ol type="1">

<li><a href="pune.html" target="frame3">pune</A></li><br>

<li><a href="b.html" target="frame3">banglore</A></li><br>

<li><a href="h.html" target="frame3">hydrabad</A></li><br>

<li><a href="d.html" target="frame3">delhi</A></li><br>






<ul type="disc"><li>Infosys</li><li>TCS</li><li>Tech-Mahindra</li><li>Persistent</li></ul>





<ul type="disc"><li> ---</li><li>---</li><li>----</li><li>----</li></ul>





<ul type="disc"><li>---</li><li>----</li><li>----</li><li>----</li></ul>





<ul type="disc"><li>----</li><li>----</li><li>------</li><li>-------</li></ul>

