Wednesday, 7 February 2018



Consider the following Entities and Relationships                                     
Medical_store (mno, mname, city, phno)
Drug (dno, dname, type, company, price)
Relation between Medical_store and Drug as Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute.
Constraint: Primary key, price should be > 0.

Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
•Update price of drug   by 5 %  of  'ABC' Company.
SQL>Update  drugs set price=price+price*0.05 where company='ABC';

•Display names of all medical store where ‘Crocin’ is available.
SQL>Select  mname from mstore,drugs,md where mstore.mid=md.mid and drugs.did=md.did and dname=’crocin’;

•Count total number of drug of ‘SunPharma’ company in ‘Sai medical’ store.
SQL>select count(drugs.dname),company from mstore,drugs,md where mstore.mid=md.mid and drugs.did=md.did group by dname,company;

•Delete all drugs supplied by ‘SunPharma‘Company in ‘Sai medical’ store.
SQL>Delete from md where did=(select did from drugs where company=’sunpharma’);

•Display the details of medical store having maximum quantity ofCrocin.
SQL>Select max(md.quantity),mstore.mname, from mstore,drugs,md where mstore.mid=md.mid and  drugs.did=md.did  and dname=’crocin’  group by mstore.mname,;