Monday, 19 February 2018



Consider the following Entities and Relationships                                    
Branch (bno, bname, bcity, assets)
Account (acc_no ,balance)
Relation between Branch and Account is One to Many.
Constraint: Primary key, balance and assets should be > 0.


Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
•Find the maximum account balance of each branch.
SQL>Select max(balance),bname from branches,accounts  where branches.bno=accounts.bno group by bname;

•Find branches where average account balance is more than 30000.
SQL>Select avg(balance) from branches,accounts  where branches.bno=accounts.bno and balance >30000;

•Find names of all branches that have assets value greater than that of each branch in ‘pune’.
SQL>Select max(assets),bname from branches,accounts  where branches.bno=accounts.bno and bcity=’pune’ group by bname;

•Decrease  3%  balance on account whose balance is greater than 100000.
SQL> Update accounts set balance=balance-balance*0.03 where balance >3000;

•Display   details of branchwhose city  starts from  'A'.
SQL>select * from branches where bcity like 'A%';