Saturday, 9 March 2019


Write a C++ program using class to overload the operator Binary for an integer number.


int add(int,int); //declaration prototype
int sub(int,int);
int mult(int,int);

class Binary
int add(int a,int b)

int sub(int a, int b)
return a-b;

int mult(int a, int b)
return a*b;

int div(int a, int b)
return a/b;

void main()
 int x,y,z;

 Binary b;

 cout<<"\n Please  input a number-:";

 cout<<"\n Please  input another number-:";

cout<<"\n The Addition of " << x << "and" <<y <<"is -:" << b.add(x,y);

cout<<"\n The Subtraction of"<< x << "and" <<y <<"is :-"<<b.sub(x,y);
cout<<"\n The Multiplication  of"<< x << "and" <<y <<"is :-"<<b.mult(x,y);
cout<<"\n The Multiplication  of"<< x << "and" <<y <<"is :-"<<b.div(x,y);
