Wednesday, 6 March 2019


1)Write a letter to the students who had successfully passed in 11th std.Use the mail merge option to insert the correct field codes for each student's Name,Address,city at the relevant positions in the document.

2)Create a table Employee having fields(emp_no, emp_name, emp_address, emp_city,emp_salary). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.Using Excel.

3)Create a table Employee having fields(emp_no, emp_name, emp_address, emp_city,emp_salary). Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table.Using MS-Aceess.

4)Make a time table of XI class for theory and practical by inserting table in MS-Word.

5)Create a  MS-Excel document to store details of 10 students (Roll no, Name, Marks in 5 subjects (out of 100)). Calculate total marks and percentage of each student.

6)Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation using hyperlink to give information of most played games.(First slide should consist link for the various games)

7)Using MS-Word write a well formatted letter to Principal regarding 5 day leave. Use page border and water mark concept which includes college name

8)Create an MS-Excel document to store yearly profit for five years of company. Draw a column chart or bar chart for given details.
Year    Profit
2001    50,000/-
2002    65,000/-
2003    57,000/-
2004    60,000/-
2005    76,000/-

9)Using MS-Word prepare your own well formatted bio-data.

10)Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to display information about Laptop Shopee (use related images and animation)

11)Using MS-Word prepares and sends birthday invitation’s to five friend (using mail merge).

12)Create 3D column chart for product usage by male and female.
Product           Female Male
P1                    10%                 3%
P2                    20%                 12%
P3                    23%                 20%
P4                    32%                 39%
P5                    18%                 25%

13)Prepare MS-PowerPoint presentation to give information about computer (definition, use of computer, Input Output devices on separate slide).
(Use hyperlink, animation and images).

14)Create a table Student having fields (Roll no, name, date of birth, percentage).Insert at least 10 records in the table. Write steps for creating table

15)Make a time table of XI class using HTML.

16)Design a page in html that must contain formatting tags,heading tags,alignments,font color,size,list tag.

17)Design a page in html that must contain ordered list,unordered list,img tag

18)Create a table in html that must contain  bordercolor,width,align,cellspacing,cellpadding.

19)Write a code in html to create a page which has link form one section to another within a same page.

20)Write a simple application code in html which will demonstrate the use of fonts and their properties.