Wednesday, 31 July 2019

chapter 4:-SQL

       SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to perform operations on the records stored in the database such as updating records, deleting records, creating and modifying tables, views, etc.
       SQL is just a query language; it is not a database. To perform SQL queries, you need to install any database, for example, Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostGre SQL, SQL Server, DB2, etc
What is SQL
·         SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
·         It is designed for managing data in a relational database management system (RDBMS).
·         It is pronounced as S-Q-L or sometime See-Qwell.
·         SQL is a database language, it is used for database creation, deletion, fetching rows, and modifying rows, etc.
·         SQL is based on relational algebra and tuple relational calculus.
·         All DBMS like MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and SQL Server use SQL as standard database language.

Why SQL is required
·         SQL is required:
·         To create new databases, tables and views
·         To insert records in a database
·         To update records in a database
·         To delete records from a database
·         To retrieve data from a database

SQL Data Types
       Data types are used to represent the nature of the data that can be stored in the database table. For example, in a particular column of a table, if we want to store a string type of data then we will have to declare a string data type of this column.

       CHAR(Size):- It is used to specify a fixed length string that can contain numbers, letters, and special characters. Its size can be 0 to 255 characters. Default is 1.

       VARCHAR(Size):- It is used to specify a variable length string that can contain numbers, letters, and characters. Its size can be from 0 to 65535 characters.


       SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table in a database.

       A SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table definition and all data from a table.
       This is very important to know that once a table is deleted all the information available in the table is lost forever, so we have to be very careful when using this command.

       The DELETE statement is used to delete rows from a table. If you want to remove a specific row from a table you should use WHERE condition.
       DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition];  
       But if you do not specify the WHERE condition it will remove all the rows from the table.
       DELETE FROM table_name;  

       Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements
       There is a slight difference b/w delete and truncate statement. The DELETE statement only deletes the rows from the table based on the condition defined by WHERE clause or delete all the rows from the table when condition is not specified.
       But it does not free the space containing by the table.
       The TRUNCATE statement: it is used to delete all the rows from the table and free the containing space.

SQL RENAME TABLE syntax is used to change the name of a table. Sometimes, we choose non-meaningful name for the table. So it is required to be changed.
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;  

       Drop table command can also be used to delete complete table but it deletes table structure too. TRUNCATE TABLE doesn't delete the structure of the table.

       The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, modify or delete columns in an existing table. It is also used to rename a table.
       You can also use SQL ALTER TABLE command to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.

       SQL ALTER TABLE Add Column
       If you want to add columns in SQL table, the SQL alter table syntax is given below:
       ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name column-definition;  

       SQL ALTER TABLE Modify Column
       If you want to modify an existing column in SQL table, syntax is given below:
       ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name column_type;  

       The syntax of alter table drop column is given below:
       ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; 

The syntax of alter table rename column is given below:
ALTER TABLE table_name  RENAME COLUMN old_name to new_name;  

Single record:-

Multiple Record:-

Integrity Constraints

A column or columns is called primary key (PK) that uniquely identifies each row in the table.
If you want to create a primary key, you should define a PRIMARY KEY constraint when you create or modify a table.

When multiple columns are used as a primary key, it is known as composite primary key
SQL primary key for one column:
The following SQL command creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "S_Id" column when the "students" table is created.
CREATE TABLE students  
(  S_Id int NOT NULL,  LastName varchar (255) NOT NULL,  FirstName varchar (255),  
Address varchar (255),  City varchar (255),  PRIMARY KEY (S_Id)  )  ;

In the relational databases, a foreign key is a field or a column that is used to establish a link between two tables.
In simple words you can say that, a foreign key in one table used to point primary key in another table.
Let us take an example to explain it:
Here are two tables first one is students table and second is orders table.
Here orders are given by students.

First table:


Second table:


  • The "S_Id" column in the "Students" table is the PRIMARY KEY in the "Students" table.
  • The "S_Id" column in the "Orders" table is a FOREIGN KEY in the "Orders" table.
The foreign key constraint is generally prevents action that destroy links between tables. It also prevents invalid data to enter in foreign key column.

Difference between primary key and foreign key in SQL:

These are some important difference between primary key and foreign key in SQL-
Primary key cannot be null on the other hand foreign key can be null.
Primary key is always unique while foreign key can be duplicated.
Primary key uniquely identify a record in a table while foreign key is a field in a table that is primary key in another table.
There is only one primary key in the table on the other hand we can have more than one foreign key in the table.

Unique Key in SQL

A unique key is a set of one or more than one fields/columns of a table that uniquely identify a record in a database table.
You can say that it is little like primary key but it can accept only one null value and it cannot have duplicate values.
The unique key and primary key both provide a guarantee for uniqueness for a column or a set of columns.
There is an automatically defined unique key constraint within a primary key constraint.
There may be many unique key constraints for one table, but only one PRIMARY KEY constraint for one table.

If you want to create a UNIQUE constraint on the "S_Id" column when the "students" table is created, use the following SQL syntax:
CREATE TABLE students  (  S_Id int NOT NULL UNIQUE,  LastName varchar (255) NOT NULL,  FirstName varchar (255),  City varchar (255)  )  ;

SQL - NOT NULL Constraint

By default, a column can hold NULL values. If you do not want a column to have a NULL value, then you need to define such a constraint on this column specifying that NULL is now not allowed for that column.
A NULL is not the same as no data, rather, it represents unknown data.


For example, the following SQL query creates a new table called CUSTOMERS and adds five columns, three of which, are ID NAME and AGE, In this we specify not to accept NULLs –
CREATE TABLE students  
(  S_Id int NOT NULL,  LastName varchar (255) NOT NULL,  FirstName varchar (255), Address varchar (255),  City varchar (255),  PRIMARY KEY (S_Id)  )  ;


SQL CHECK Constraint

The CHECK constraint is used to limit the value range that can be placed in a column.
If you define a CHECK constraint on a single column it allows only certain values for this column.
If you define a CHECK constraint on a table it can limit the values in certain columns based on values in other columns in the row.
The following SQL creates a CHECK constraint on the "Age" column when the "Persons" table is created. The CHECK constraint ensures that you can not have any person below 18 years:
CREATE TABLE Persons ( ID int NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255NOT NULL,  FirstName varchar(255),  Age int CHECK (Age>=18));


SQL DEFAULT Constraint

The DEFAULT constraint is used to provide a default value for a column.
The default value will be added to all new records IF no other value is specified.
CREATE TABLE Persons (ID int NOT NULL,LastName varchar(255NOT NULL,
    FirstName varchar(255), Age int,City varchar(255DEFAULT 'Sandnes');

A SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table definition and all data from a table.
This is very important to know that once a table is deleted all the information available in the table is lost forever, so we have to be very careful when using this command.
Let's see the syntax to drop the table from the database.

DROP TABLE "table_name"; 


Now, use the following command to check whether table exists or not.


In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.
A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.
You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the data were coming from one single table.

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

When should indexes be created –
A column contains a wide range of values
A column does not contain a large number of null values
One or more columns are frequently used together in a where clause or a join condition

When should indexes be avoided –
The table is small
The columns are not often used as a condition in the query
The column is updated frequently

Removing an Index –
 To remove an index from the data dictionary by using the DROP INDEX command.



•The SQL commands (UPDATE and DELETE) are used to modify the data that is already in the database. The SQL DELETE command uses a WHERE clause.
•SQL UPDATE statement is used to change the data of the records held by tables. Which rows is to be update, it is decided by a condition. To specify condition, we use WHERE clause.
•UPDATE table_name   SET column_name = expression  WHERE conditions
•UPDATE students  SET User_Name = ‘abc‘   WHERE Student_Id = '3' ;
•UPDATE students  SET student_id = 001 WHERE student_name = 'AJEET'; 

DCL (Data Control Language) :
•A Data Control Language is a syntax similar to a computer programming language used to control access to data stored in a database (Authorization)
•It is used to control privileges in Database. To perform any operation in the database, such as for creating tables, sequences or views, a user needs privileges. Privileges are of two types,
•System: This includes permissions for creating session, table, etc and all types of other system privileges.
•Object: This includes permissions for any command or query to perform any operation on the database tables.
•GRANT: allow specified users to perform specified tasks.  And Used to provide any user access privileges or other privileges for the database.
• REVOKE: cancel previously granted or denied permissions and Used to take back permissions from any user

TCL (Transaction Control Language) :
•Transaction Control Language commands are used to manage transactions in the database. These are used to manage the changes made by DML-statements. It also allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions.
•COMMIT: Commit command is used to permanently save any transaction into the database.
•ROLLBACK: This command restores the database to last committed state. It is also used with savepoint command to jump to a savepoint in a transaction.
SAVEPOINT: Savepoint command is used to temporarily save a transaction so that you can rollback to that point whenever necessary

•The most commonly used SQL command is SELECT statement. It is used to query the database and retrieve selected data that follow the conditions we want.
•In simple words, we can say that the select statement used to query or retrieve data from a table in the database.
•SELECT expressions  FROM tables  WHERE conditions;
•Optional clauses in SELECT statement
•There are some optional clauses in SELECT statement:
•[WHERE Clause] : It specifies which rows to retrieve.
•[GROUP BY Clause] : Groups rows that share a property so that the aggregate function can be applied to each group.
•[HAVING Clause] : It selects among the groups defined by the GROUP BY clause.
•[ORDER BY Clause] : It specifies an order in which to return the rows
•SELECT first_name FROM student_details; 
•SELECT first_name, last_name FROM student_details; 
•We can also use clauses like WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY with SELECT statement.

•The SQL ORDER BY clause is used for sorting data in ascending and descending order based on one or more columns.
•Some databases sort query results in ascending order by default.
•SELECT expressions   FROM tables  WHERE conditions  ORDER BY expression [ASC | DESC];

•WHERE LIKE determines if a character string matches a pattern.
•Use WHERE LIKE when only a fragment of a text value is known.
•WHERE LIKE supports two wildcard match options: % and _.

•List all products with names that start with 'Ca‘
•SELECT Id, ProductName, UnitPrice, Package FROM Product WHERE ProductName LIKE 'Ca%'

•List all products that start with 'Cha' or 'Chan' and have one more character.
SELECT Id, ProductName, UnitPrice, Package FROM Product WHERE ProductName LIKE 'Cha_' OR ProductName LIKE 'Chan_'

•The SQL UNION clause/operator is used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements without returning any duplicate rows.
•To use this UNION clause, each SELECT statement must have
•The same number of columns selected
•The same number of column expressions
•The same data type and
•Have them in the same order
•But they need not have to be in the same length.

•SELECT column1 [, column2 ] FROM table1 [, table2 ] [WHERE condition] UNION SELECT column1 [, column2 ] FROM table1 [, table2 ] [WHERE condition]

•Employees:-id ,first_name , last_name , salary
•Customer:- id ,first_name , last_name , city

•SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees  UNION  SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers ;

•The SQL INTERSECT clause/operator is used to combine two SELECT statements, but returns rows only from the first SELECT statement that are identical to a row in the second SELECT statement. This means INTERSECT returns only common rows returned by the two SELECT statements.
•Just as with the UNION operator, the same rules apply when using the INTERSECT operator. MySQL does not support the INTERSECT operator.

SELECT column1 , column2  FROM table1 , table2  [WHERE condition]  INTERSECT
SELECT column1 , column2  FROM table1 , table2  [WHERE condition]

SELECT  *  FROM employees  Intersect SELECT  * FROM customers

•The SQL EXCEPT clause/operator is used to combine two SELECT statements and returns rows from the first SELECT statement that are not returned by the second SELECT statement. This means EXCEPT returns only rows, which are not available in the second SELECT statement.

SELECT column1 , column2  FROM table1 ,table2  [WHERE condition]
 SELECT column1 , column2  FROM table1 , table2 ] [WHERE condition]

SELECT  *  FROM employees  Except SELECT  * FROM customers ;

Aggregate Functions
These functions return a single value after calculating from a group of values. Following are some frequently used Aggregate functions.

• AVG()
•Average returns average value after calculating from values in a numeric column.
•Its general Syntax is,
•SELECT AVG(column_name) from table_name
•SELECT avg(salary) from Emp;

•Count returns the number of rows present in the table either based on some condition or without condition.
•Its general Syntax is,
•SELECT COUNT(column_name) from table-name
•SELECT COUNT(name) from Emp where salary = 8000;
•Example of COUNT(distinct)
•SELECT COUNT(distinct salary) from emp;

•First function returns first value of a selected column
•Syntax for FIRST function is,
•SELECT FIRST(column_name) from table-name
•SELECT FIRST(salary) from Emp;

•LAST return the return last value from selected column
•Syntax of LAST function is,
•SELECT LAST(column_name) from table-name
•SELECT LAST(salary) from emp;

• MAX()
•MAX function returns maximum value from selected column of the table.
•Syntax of MAX function is,
•SELECT MAX(column_name) from table-name
•SELECT MAX(salary) from emp;

• MIN()
•MIN function returns minimum value from a selected column of the table.
•Syntax for MIN function is,
oSELECT MIN(column_name) from table-name
oSELECT MIN(salary) from emp;

• SUM()
•SUM function returns total sum of a selected columns numeric values.
•Syntax for SUM is,
•SELECT SUM(column_name) from table-name
•SELECT SUM(salary) from emp;

•DCL Command
•DCL defines two commands,
•Grant : Gives user access privileges to database.
•Revoke : Take back permissions from user.

•To Grant all privilege to a User
•grant sysdba to username To Grant permission to Create any Table
•grant create any table to username To Grant permission to Drop any Table
•grant drop any table to username To take back Permissions
•revoke create table from username