Wednesday 11 September 2019


Consider the following tables and integrity constraints given and create the tables accordingly: 1Machine(Mid,MName NOT NULL, MType, MPrice , MCost) Constraints: I.MName should be in uppercase. II.MType can be (‘drilling’, ‘milling’, ‘lathe’, ‘turning’, ‘grinding’). III.MPrice should be greater than zero. Table level constraint: MCost less than MPrice. Create table Machine (M_Id int primary key, M_Name varchar(15) not null, M_Typevarchar(10),M_Price int, M_Cost int, check (M_Name= upper(M_Name)), check(M_Type IN (‘drilling’, ‘milling’, ‘lathe’, ‘turning’, ‘grinding’)), check (M_Price> 0), check (M_Cost< M_Price));
2.Policy(No,Name NOT NULL, Type ,Sale_Date, Intro_date )
I.Name should be in lowercase.
II.Type can be (‘life’, ‘vehicle’, ‘accident’)
Tablel evel constraint: Sale_date should be greater than Intro_date.
Create table Policy (P_No int primary key, P_Name varchar(15) not null, P_Type
varchar(10),Sale_Date varchar(15), Intro_Date varchar(15), check (P_Name=
lower(P_Name)),check (P_Type IN (‘Life’, ‘Vehicle’, ‘Accident’)), check
(Sale_Date> Intro_Date));
3.Employee (EmpNo, Emp_Name NOT NULL,Emp_desig, Emp_sal , Emp_uid)
I.Emp_name should be in uppercase.
II.Emp_desg can be (‘Manager’, ‘staff’, ‘worker’).
III.Emp_sal should be greater than zero.
Table level constraint: Emp_uid not equal to Emp_id
Createtable Employee (Emp_No int primary key, Emp_Name varchar(15) not null,
Emp_Designation varchar(10), Emp_Sal int, Emp_UId int, check (Emp_Name=
upper(Emp_Name)),check (Emp_Designation IN (‘Manager’, ‘Staff’, ‘Worker’)),
check(Emp_Sal> 0));
 4.Room(room_no, type, price);
I.Room type must be one of single, double, family.
II.Price must be between Rs.500/- and 1000/-.
III.Room no must be between 1 and 100.
Create table Room (Room_No int primary key, Room_Type varchar(10), Price int, check
(Room_Type IN (‘Single’, ‘Double’, ‘Family’)), check (Price between 500 and
1000),check (Room_No between 1 and 100));
CREATE TABLE student_info( no NUMBER(3) PRIMARY KEY,  
stu_code VARCHAR(10), name VARCHAR(30),  city VARCHAR(30),   scholarship
NUMBER(5), CHECK(stu_code like 'j%'), CHECK(name = upper(name)), CHECK
(city IN ('Houston','San Antonio','Boston','Miami')),CHECK(scholarship BETWEEN 5000 AND 20000));