Saturday, 28 September 2019


Exercise 6:

Consider the following Entities and Relationships

Sales_order(ordNo, ordDate)
Client (clientNo, ClientName, addr)
Constraint: Primary key, ClientName should not be NULL.

A client can give one or more sales_orders ,but a sales_order belongs to exactly
one client. Create the relations accordingly, so that the relationship is handled properly
and the relations are in normalized form(3 NF) and perform the following tasks.

1.Insert two client records into client table.
2.Insert 3 sales records for each client.
3.Change order date of client_No ‘C004’ to 18/03/2019
4.Delete all sale records having order date before 10 /02/2018.
5.Display date wise sales_order given by clients.

SQL>create table client0(cno int primary key,cname varchar(15),addr varchar(15));
SQL>create table sales_ord0(od_no int primary key,od_date int,cno int);
SQL>insert into client0 values(1,'ajay','pimpri');
SQL>insert into sales_ord values(1,'20 Agu',1);
SQL>update sales_ord set cno=5 where od_date='10 Nov';
SQL>delete from sales_ord where od_date < '20 Agu';
SQL>select cname,od_date from client0,sales_ord where client0.cno=sales_ord.cno order by (od_date);

Consider the following Entities and Relationships
 Customer (cust_no, cust_name, address, city)
 Loan (loan_no, loan_amt)
 Relation between Customer and Loan is Many to Many
 Constraint: Primary key, loan_amt should be > 0.
 Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.

1.Find details of all customers whose loan is greater than 10 lakhs.
2.List all customers whose name starts with 'sa'.
3.List names of all customers in descending order who has taken a loan in Pimpri
4.Display customer details having maximum loan amount.
5.Calculate total of all loan amount

SQL>create table customer3(cno int primary key,cname varchar(10),addr varchar(15),city varchar(10));
SQL>insert into customer3 values(1,'Ajay','pimpri','pune');
SQL>create table loan3(lno int primary key,lamt int);
SQL>insert into loan3 values(1,'500000');
SQL>create table cst_loan(cno int,lno int);
SQL>insert into cst_loan values(1,1);
SQL>select cname,lamt from customer3,loan3,cst_loan where customer3.cno=cst_loan.cno and loan3.lno=cst_loan.lno and lamt > 500000;
SQL>select cname from customer3 where cname like 'Am%';
SQL>select cname,city from customer3,loan3,cst_loan  where customer3.cno=cst_loan.cno and loan3.lno=cst_loan.lno and city='pune' order by cname desc;
SQL>select sum(lamt) from loan3;
SQL>select cname,addr,city fromcustomer3,loan3,cst_loan where customer3.cno=cst_loan.cno and loan3.lno=cst_loan.lno and loan3.lamt=(select max(loan3.lamt)from loan3);

Consider the following Entities and Relationships
Department (dept_no, dept_name, location)
Employee (emp_no, emp_name, address, salary, designation)
Relation between Department and Employee is One to Many
Constraint: Primary key, salary should be > 0.

Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.

1.Find total salary of all the employees from computer science dept.
2.Find the name of department whose average salary is above 10000.
3.Count the number of employees in each department.
4.Display the maximum salary of each department.
5.Display department wise employee list.
6.Increase Salary of “Managers” by 15%
7.Delete all Employees who are working as “clerk”.

SQL>create table department1(dno int primary key,dname varchar(15),loc varchar(15));
SQL>create table employ1(eno int primary key,ename varchar(15),addr varchar(15),sal int,designation  varchar(15),dno int);
SQL>insert into department1 values(001,'computer sci','pimpri');
SQL>insert into employ1 values(1,'ajay','kasba peth','20000','manager',1);
SQL>select sum(sal),dname from department1,employ1 where department1.dno=employ1.dno and dname='computer sci' group by dname;
SQL>select avg(sal),dname from department1,employ1 where department1.dno=employ1.dno2   and sal > '10000' group by dname;
SQL>select count(eno),dname from  department1,employ1 where  department1.dno=employ1.dno group by dname;
SQL>select max(sal),dname from  department1,employ1 where department1.dno=employ1.dno group by dname;
SQL>select dname,ename from  department1,employ1 where department1.dno=employ1.dno order by dname;
SQL>update employ1 set sal=sal+0.15 where designation2  ='manager';
SQL>delete from employ1 where designation2  ='clerk';

Consider the following Entities and Relationships
Project (pno, pname, start_date, budget, status)
Department (dno, dname, HOD)
Relation between Project and Department is Many to One
Constraint: Primary key.
Project Status Constraints: C – completed,
P-Progressive, I-Incomplete
Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
1.List the project name and department details worked in projects that are
2.Display total budget of each department.
3.Display incomplete project of each department
4.Find the names of departments that have budget greater than 50000 .
5.Display all project working under 'Mr.Desai'.

SQL>create table project1(pno int primary key,pname varchar(15),start_date varchar(15),budget int,ststus varchar(15),dno int);
SQL>create table department01(dno int primary key,dname varchar(15),HOD varchar(15));
SQL>insert into project1 values(1,'solar system','10.02.2015',50000,'complete',1);
SQL>insert into department01 values(1,'science','mr.desai');
SQL> select pname,dname,HOD from department01,project1 where  department01.dno=project1.dno and project1.status='complete';
SQL>select sum(budget),dname  from department01,project1 where department01.dno=project1.dno group  by dname;
SQL>select pname,status,count(department01.dno) from department01,project1 where department01.dno=project1.dno and status='incomplete' group by status,pname;
SQL> select dname from department01,project1 where department01.dno=project1.dno2  and budget >= 50000;
SQL> select pname from department01,project1 where department01.dno=project1.dno and HOD='mr.desai';

Consider the following Entities and Relationships

Room (roomno, desc, rate)
Guest (gno, gname, no_of_days)
Relation between Room and Guest is One to One.
Constraint: Primary key, no of days should be > 0.
Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
1.Display room details according to its rates in ascending order.
2.Find the names of guest who has allocated room for more than 3 days.
3.Find no. of AC rooms.
4.Display total amount for NON-AC rooms.
5.Find names of guest with maximum room charges.

SQL>create table room3(rno int primary key,description varchar(15),rate int);
SQL>create table guest3(gno int primary key,gname varchar(15),days int);
SQL>insert into room3 values(1,'AC',5000);
SQL>select description,rate from room3 order by description ASC;
SQL>select gname from guest3,room3 where guest3.gno=room3.rno and days > 10;
SQL>select count(rno) from room3 where description='AC';
SQL>select count(rno) from room3 where description='Non Ac';
SQL>select gname from room3,guest3 where guest3.gno=room3.rno and rate=(select max(rate) from room3);

Consider the following Entities and Relationships

Relationbetween Book and Customer is Many to Many with quantity as
descriptive attribute.
Constraint: Primary key, price should be >0.
Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
1.Display customer details from 'Mumbai'.
2.Display author wise details of book.
3.Display all customers who have purchased the books published in the year 2013.
4.Display customer name that has purchased more than 3 books.
5.Display book names having price between 100 and 200 and published in the year

1.Display area wise property details.
2.Display property owned by 'Mr.Patil' having minimum rate.
3.Display all properties with owner name that having highest rate of properties located in Chinchwad area.
4.Display owner name having maximum no. of properties.
5.Delete all properties from “pune” owned by “ Mr. Joshi”.
6.Display all the properties from Mumbai owned by “Mr. Patil”.
7 Update the phone Number of “Mr Talure” to 9923323366 who having property at Pimpri

Relation between Employee and Position is Many to Many with day and shift as   descriptive attribute. 
Constraint: Primary key, payrate should be > 0.
Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
1.Find the names and rate of pay all employees who allocated a duty.
2.Give employee number who are working at posting_no. 201, but don’t have the skills of waiter.
3.Display a list of names of employees who have skill of chef and who has assigned a duty.
4.Display emp_no and dates for all employees who are working on Tuesday and at least one other day.
5.Display shiftwise employee details.

Constraint: Primary key, price should be > 0.
 Create a Database in 3NF & write queries for following.
1.Display receipt which includes bill_no with Dish description, price, quantity and total amount of each menu.
2.Find total amount collected by hotel on date 08/01/2013
3.Count number of menus of billno 301.
4.Display menu details having   price between 100 and 500. 

5.Display total number of bills collected from each table on 01/12/2013.