CRS :-Customer requirement Specification
Requirement Specification.
Requirement Specification
Functional Specification.
For the CRS, the details will be written in the
simple business (English) language by the BA (business analyst), which cannot
be understood by the developers and the test engineers.
Example:-Customer Requirement Specification to the
Gmail application:
Customer secured entry, Unwanted content delete,
Able to see mails
Software Requirement Specifications or the
Functional Specification; in this, all the details are converted to the detail
document, which can be understood by the developers and the test engineers.
Example:-Software Requirement Specifications to the
Gmail application:
Login module ,User Name ->Textbox,Password ->
Textbox.,Username->Accept only Alphabetics.,Password->accept only 5
Each phase must be completed before the next phase
Left hand side- Static testing ,developer.
Right Hand side-Dynamic testing,Tester.
The complete review process is done in the
verification phase, and the whole testing process is done under the validation
phase; that's why it is also known as verification and validation model.
Here involved two members one is developer and
another is Tester.They are working parallel and meets the coding and unit
1) In the
first stage, the client send the CRS both to developers and testers. The
developers translate the CRS to the SRS.
The testers do the following tests on CRS,
1. Review CRS
a. conflicts in the
b. missing requirements
c. wrong requirements
2. Write Acceptance Test plan
3. Write Acceptance Test cases
The testing
team reviews the CRS and identifies mistakes and defects and send it to the
development team for correcting the bugs. The development updates the CRS and
continues developing SRS simultaneously.
2 ) In the next stage, the SRS is sent to the
testing team for review and the developers start building the HLD of the
product. The testers do the following tests on SRS,
1. Review SRS against CRS
a. every CRS is
converted to SRS
b. CRS not converted properly
to SRS
2. Write System Test plan
3. Write System Test case
The testing team reviews every detail of the SRS if
the CRS has been converted properly to SRS.
3 ) In the next stage, the developers start building
the LLD of the product. The testers do the following tests on HLD,
1. Review HLD
2. Write Integration test plan
3. Write Integration test case
4 ) In the next stage, the developers start with the
coding of the product. The testing team carries out the following tasks,
1. Review LLD
2. Write Functional test plan
3. Write Functional Test case
5)After coding, the developers themselves carry out
unit testing or also known as white box testing. Here the developers check each
and every line of code and if the code is correct. After white-box testing, the
s/w product is sent to the testing team which tests the s/w product and carries
out functional testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance
testing and finally deliver the product to the client.
How to handle requirement changes in V&V:-
Whenever there is change in requirement, the same
procedure continues and the documents will be updated.
What is Test Plan ?
regarding activity of testing.
What is Test Cases?
It is document which contain input scenario to test
When we use v model ?
Complex project /long duration.
Advantages of
V&V model
1) Testing starts in very early stages of product
development which avoids downward flow of defects which in turn reduces lot of
2) Testing is involved in every stage of product
3) Avoid the
downward flow of defects. Thus there is less or no re-work
4)Specific tester is involving in testing.
Drawbacks of V&V model
1) Initial investment is more – because right from
the beginning testing team is needed
2) More documentation work – because of the test
plans and test cases and all other documents
V Model is nothing but verification and validation
model.’V Model’ the developers life cycle and testers life cycle are
mapped each other.In this model testing
is done side by side of the development.
Static Testing
Dynamic Testing
Find defects without executing code
With executing code
It is done during verification Process.
Validation Process
EX. Review,inspection
Ex. Unit Testing
System Testing
It is end-to-end testing wherein testing environment
is similar to the production environment.
Testing the data flow or interface between two
features is known as integration testing. Whenever the individual units are
combined and tested as a group.
Functional Testing
It ignores the internal parts and focus on the
output is as per requirement or not.
Unit Testing
It is done by the developer. Checking the line by
line Code.
Acceptance Testing
This testing is done by the customer before
accepting the final product.