Sunday, 23 January 2022

python-slip30b-Python Program to Create a Class in which One Method Accepts a String from the User and Another method Prints it. Define a class named Country which has a method called print Nationality. Define subclass named state from Country which has a mehtod called printState. Write a method to print state, country and nationality

Python Program to Create a Class in which One Method Accepts a String from the User and Another method Prints it. Define a class named Country which has a method called print Nationality. Define subclass named state from Country which has a mehtod called printState. Write a method to print state, country and nationality.       

class Country:

                def AcceptCountry(self):

                                self.cname=input("Enter Country Name: ")

                def DisplayCountry(self):

                                print("Country Name is:", self.cname)


class State(Country):

                def AcceptState(self):

                                self.sname=input("Enter State Name: ")

                def DisplayState(self):

                                print("State Name is:", self.sname)

#main body




