Thursday, 5 May 2022

Advance PHP-Slip4b-Create an xml file which should comprise the following: Sachin Tendulkar 2000 100 20 For at least 5 players. Write a PHP script to display the details of players who have scored more than 1200 runs and at least 50 wickets.

 Create an xml file which should comprise the following:


 <player>Sachin Tendulkar</player>


 <wickets> 100</wickets>



For at least 5 players. Write a PHP script to display the details of players who have scored more than 1200 runs and at least 50 wickets.




<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css"?>





<player>Sachin Tendulkar</player>


 wickets> 100</wickets>




<player>Rohit Sharma</player>












<player>Virat Kohali</player>

















 // Load xml file into xml_data variable

//$xml_data = simplexml_load_file("http://localhost/arprogram/cricket.xml") or

//die("Error: Object Creation failure");


$xml_data = simplexml_load_file("http://localhost:8080/SEM4/cricket.xml") or

die("Error: Object Creation failure");

 // Use foreach loop to display data and for sub elements access,We will use children() function

foreach ($xml_data->children() as $data)


 //display each sub element in xml file




if($run >=1200 && $wic >= 50)


echo "<br>------------------------------------";

echo "<br>".$name;


