Q3) Attempt any Four of the following:
a) Consider the following Entities and Relationships & solve
the queries:
Department (dept_no, dept_name, location)
Employee (emp_no, emp_name, address, salary, designation)
Relation between Department and Employee is One
to Many Constraint: Primary key, salary should be > 0
• Find total salary of all Electronic department employees.
• Find the name of department whose salary is above 20000.
Select sum(salary)from
Department , Employee where Department.dept_no =Employee.dept_no and
Select dname from
Department , Employee where Department.dept_no =Employee.dept_no and salary
b) Consider the following Entities and
Relationships & solve the queries:
Book (Book_no, title, author, price,
year_published) Customer (cid, cname, addr) Relation between Book and Customer
is Many to Many. Constraint: Primary key, price should be >0.
• Display author wise details of book.
• Display customer name that has purchased more than 4 books.
Select title from Book
where order by author;
count(BOOK.BNO),cname from customerb,BOOK,customerb_BOOK where
customerb.cid=customerb_BOOK,cid and BOOK.BNO=customerb_BOOK.BNO and
c) Consider the following Entities and
Relationships & solve the queries:
Account (ano, branchname, balance) Customer
(cust_no, cust name, street, city) Relation between Account and Customer is
Many to Many. Constraint: Primary key, balance should be > 500
. • Display customer details with balance between 100000 and
Sql>select * from account,customer,ac where
account.ano=ac.ano and customer.cno=ac.cno and balance=(select balance from
account where balance=100000 and balance=200000);
• Display customers having more than two accounts in
Chinchwad branch.
cname,branchname from account,customer,ac where account.ano=ac.ano and
customer.cno=ac.cno group by cname ,baranchname haveing count(cname)>2 and
d)Consider the following entities and their relationship :
Item (item no, name, quantity) Sup (no, name, addr, city,
Item and sup are related with many-to-many relationship with rate,
Constraints : primary key and item qty > 5 and rate > 0
- Display
supplier name in descending order of quantity.
Select Sup.name from Item , Sup Where
Item.item_no=IS.item_no and Sup.no=IS.no order by quantity DESC;
- Display
item name in descending order.
Select Item.name from Item , Sup Where
Item.item_no=IS.item_no and Sup.no=IS.no order by Item.name DESC’
e)Consider relational database :
Customer (cust-no, cust-name, address, city)
Loan (loan-no, loan-amt, loan-date, cust-no)
Customer and loan are related with one to many relationships.
- Display
customers with loan amounts less than 1,00,000.
customer.cust_name,customers.address from customers,loan,customer_loan
where customers.cust_no=loan.cust_no and Loan.loan_amt<100000;
- List
loan details of customer name as ‘‘Mr. Patil’’.
customer.cust_name,customers.address,loan.loan-amt from customers,loan
where customers.cust_no=loan.cust_no and cname =’Mr.Patil’;
f)Consider the following Entities and Relationships and solve the queries : Donor
(donor_no, donor_name, city)
(bid, blood_group, quantity, date_of_collection)
between Donor and Blood_Donation is One to Many. Constraint : Primary key,
blood_group should not be null.
Display total blood quantity collected on 25th December 2013.
SUM(quantity) FROM Blood_Donation WHERE date_of_collection = '2013-12-25';
Display total blood donated by each donor
SELECT d.donor_no,
d.donor_name, d.city, COALESCE (SUM(b.quantity), 0) FROM Donor d LEFT JOIN
Blood_Donation b ON d.donor_no = b.donor_no GROUP BY d.donor_no, d.donor_name,
g)Consider the following Entities
and Relationships and solve the queries : Musician (mno, mname, addr, phno)
(title, copy_right_dae, format)
between Musicians and Album is One to Many. Constraint : Primary key.
•Display all albums composed by ‘A R Rehman’.
SELECT title, copy_right_date, format FROM Musician
, Album WHERE m.mname = 'A R Rahman' and
Musician.mno = Album.mno;
•Display musician details who have composed Audio album.
SELECT DISTINCT mno,mname, addr, phno FROM
Musician , Album WHERE a.format = 'Audio' and m.mno = a.mno;
Property (pno, desc, area, rate)
Owner (owner_name,addr, phno)
Relation between owner and Property is One to Many.
• Display owner details having rate of property less than Rs. 20,00,000.
owner_name, addr, phno FROM Owner , Property WHERE rate < 2000000 and Property.pno
• Display owner name having maximum no. of properties.
SELECT max(pno), owner_name FROM Owner , Property WHERE Property.pno and
Owner.pno group by owner_name;
the following entities and their relationship
Movie (movie_no, movie_name] release year)
Actor (Actno, Actname).
Movie and Actor are related with many to many relationship :
· Insert a row in Actor table.
INSERT INTO Actor VALUES (1, 'AkshayKumar');
· Display all the actor details of movie ‘PK’
SELECT * FROM Movie ,Actor, MovieActor WHERE
Movie.movie_name = 'PK' and Movie. movie_no= MovieActor .movie_no and Actor.Actno
= MovieActor . Actno ;