Saturday 7 October 2023

Bigdata -Slip14 Write an R program to concatenate two given factor in a single factor and display in descending order.


Write an R program to concatenate two given factor in a single factor and display in descending order.

factor1 <- factor(c("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date"))

factor2 <- factor(c("Fig", "Grape", "Honeydew"))


# Concatenate the two factors

combined_factor <- c(factor1, factor2)


# Sort the combined factor in descending order

combined_factor <- factor(combined_factor, levels = rev(unique(combined_factor)))


# Display the sorted combined factor





> factor1 <- factor(c("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date"))

> factor2 <- factor(c("Fig", "Grape", "Honeydew"))


> # Concatenate the two factors

> combined_factor <- c(factor1, factor2)


> # Sort the combined factor in descending order

> combined_factor <- factor(combined_factor, levels = rev(unique(combined_factor)))


> # Display the sorted combined factor

> print(combined_factor)

[1] Apple    Banana   Cherry   Date     Fig      Grape    Honeydew

Levels: Honeydew Grape Fig Date Cherry Banana Apple