Thursday 12 October 2023

Bigdata-Slip29-Write a script in R to create a list of students and perform the following 1) Give names to the students in the list. 2) Add a student at the end of the list. 3) Remove the firstStudent. 4) Update the second last student.



Write a script in R to create a list of students and perform the following

1) Give names to the students in the list.

2) Add a student at the end of the list.

3) Remove the firstStudent.

4) Update the second last student.


 # Create a list of students

students <- list("Student1", "Student2", "Student3", "Student4", "Student5")


# Display the initial list

cat("Initial List of Students:\n")



# 1) Give names to the students in the list

students <- c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve")


# 2) Add a student at the end of the list

students <- c(students, "Frank")


# Display the updated list

cat("\nList of Students After Adding 'Frank':\n")



# 3) Remove the first student

students <- students[-1]


# Display the list after removing the first student

cat("\nList of Students After Removing the First Student:\n")



# 4) Update the second last student

students[length(students) - 1] <- "George"


# Display the list after updating the second last student

cat("\nList of Students After Updating the Second Last Student:\n")





> # Create a list of students


> students <- list("Student1", "Student2", "Student3", "Student4", "Student5")


> # Display the initial list


> cat("Initial List of Students:\n")

Initial List of Students:


> print(students)


[1] "Student1"



[1] "Student2"



[1] "Student3"



[1] "Student4"



[1] "Student5"





> # 1) Give names to the students in the list


> students <- c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve")




> # 2) Add a student at the end of the list


> students <- c(students, "Frank")




> # Display the updated list


> cat("\nList of Students After Adding 'Frank':\n")


List of Students After Adding 'Frank':


> print(students)

[1] "Alice"   "Bob"     "Charlie" "David"   "Eve"     "Frank" 




> # 3) Remove the first student


> students <- students[-1]




> # Display the list after removing the first student


> cat("\nList of Students After Removing the First Student:\n")


List of Students After Removing the First Student:


> print(students)

[1] "Bob"     "Charlie" "David"   "Eve"     "Frank" 




> # 4) Update the second last student


> students[length(students) - 1] <- "George"




> # Display the list after updating the second last student


> cat("\nList of Students After Updating the Second Last Student:\n")


List of Students After Updating the Second Last Student:


> print(students)

[1] "Bob"     "Charlie" "David"   "George"  "Frank" 
