Consider the inbuilt mtcar dataset
i) Subset the vector, “mtcars[,1]“, for values
greater than “15.0“.
ii) Subset “airquality” for “Ozone” greater than
“28“, or “Temp” greater than “70“.
Return the first five rows.
iii) Subset “airquality” for “Ozone” greater
than “100“. Select the columns “Ozone“,
“Temp“, “Month” and “Day” only.
# 1. Subset the vector "mtcars[,1]"
for values greater than 15.0
subset_mtcars <- mtcars[mtcars[, 1] >
15.0, ]
# 2. Subset "airquality" for
"Ozone" greater than 28 or "Temp" greater than 70 and
return the first five rows
subset_airquality_2 <-
head(airquality[airquality$Ozone > 28 | airquality$Temp > 70, ], 5)
# 3. Subset "airquality" for
"Ozone" greater than 100 and select the columns "Ozone,"
"Temp," "Month," and "Day" only
subset_airquality_3 <-
airquality[airquality$Ozone > 100, c("Ozone", "Temp",
"Month", "Day")]