Thursday 30 May 2024

Data Analysis-Set 2



       Q1. A. Attempt the question                                                                                [1X3=3]

       a)List and briefly describe two types of data analysis.

       Descriptive Analysis: Summarizes past data to understand what has happened.

       Predictive Analysis: Uses historical data to predict future outcomes.

       b)Why is Excel commonly used for data analysis?

       Excel is widely used for data analysis due to its accessibility, user-friendly interface, powerful functions, and tools for organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data.

       c) What is the purpose of data validation in Excel?

       Data validation in Excel ensures that the data entered into a cell meets specific criteria, which helps maintain data accuracy and consistency.

 B QB.Attempt the question                                                                                        [1X2=2]

     a)What is exploratory data analysis (EDA)       

E    EDA is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often using visual methods. It is used to discover patterns, spot anomalies, test hypotheses, and check assumptions.

b) b)Explain the purpose of a slicer in Excel.

     A slicer is a visual filtering tool that allows users to segment and filter data in pivot tables and pivot charts quickly.

Q2Q2.Attempt any ONE out of TWO the following.                                                [1X4=4]

a)Explain how the UPPER, Trim, and Len functions change the case of text strings  in Excel ?


UPPER-The Excel Text function “UPPER Function” will change the text to all capital     letters   (UPPERCASE). As a result, the function changes all of the characters in a text string input to upper case.


TRIM-TRIM function will remove all spaces from a cell, with the exception of single spaces between words.

=TRIM(Select Cell)

LEN-LEN quickly returns the character count in a given cell. The =LEN formula may be used to calculate the number of characters needed in a cell

=LEN(Select Cell)

b)What are the essential components of a data analysis process?

Data Collection:-Gathering relevant data from various sources, such as databases, surveys, sensors, or other data repositories.

Data Cleaning:-Preprocessing the data to handle missing values, remove errors, and ensure consistency. This step is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):-Investigating the data using graphical and statistical methods to summarize its main characteristics, often involving the creation of charts, graphs, and summary statistics.

Data Transformation:-Modifying the data to suit the requirements of the analysis. This may include normalizing, standardizing, or aggregating data.

Statistical Analysis:-Applying statistical methods to analyze the data, test hypotheses, and infer properties of the underlying distribution. This can involve descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and hypothesis testing.

Machine Learning:-Using machine learning algorithms to build models that can make predictions or classify data based on patterns identified in the analyzed data.

Data Visualization:-Creating visual representations of the data, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, to communicate findings effectively.

Pattern Recognition:-Identifying patterns, trends, correlations, or anomalies in the data that may not be apparent through simple inspection.

Decision-Making:-Presenting the analyzed results to stakeholders to support informed decision-making. This step involves translating the insights gained from data analysis into actionable strategies.

Q  Q3.Attempt any ONE out of TWO the following.                                                [1X4=4]

a)What is the difference between Power Query and traditional Excel formulas for data cleaning?


Power Query

Traditional Excel


Utilizes a visual interface

for data transformation.

Users interactively

perform data cleaning

 tasks by applying a series

 of steps in the Power Query Editor.

 It's more intuitive and

 doesn't require writing

complex formulas.

Relies on formula-based

approaches  where users write formulas  directly into cells

 to clean and manipulate data.

Users have to know the

 appropriate functions and

 syntax to achieve desired



Offers advanced data cleaning capabilities such as removing duplicates, splitting and merging columns, handling errors and missing values, and transforming data with ease. It's optimized for working with large datasets and complex transformations

 Provides granular control over   data cleaning operations. Users  can create custom formulas  tailored to specific requirements, though this might require a deeper understanding of Excel

 functions and formulas.


Ease of Use

Designed to be

user-friendly with a

guided approach to data cleaning. Users with

varying levels of Excel proficiency can perform complex transformations without writing formulas. It's more accessible for


Requires users to have a good understanding of Excel

functions and formulas.

While it offers flexibility,

users need to know the

correct  functions and syntax

 to achieve  desired results, which might be  challenging for



Seamlessly integrates with Excel, allowing users to

load cleaned data

into Excel for further


Power Query queries can

 be refreshed to update data

automatically, making it

suitable for dynamic


Integrates well with other

Excel features such as charts,

pivot tables, and macros.

Users can incorporate formula-based data cleaning

 processes into their existing

Excel workflows.


Optimized for handling large datasets efficiently. It can process and manipulate large volumes of data

Withoutperformance degradation,

making it suitable for

analyzing big data sets

Performance may degrade when working with very large datasets or complex formulas,

especially if formulas are

 applied to entire columns

or ranges

b)Explain Unique,Counta with example


Function: Returns a list of unique values in a range.


Suppose you have a dataset with duplicate values:







To find the unique values:

Formula (for Excel 365 and later versions):


This formula returns a list of unique values {Apple, Banana, Orange}.


Function: Counts the number of non-empty cells in a range that contain any type of data.


Suppose you have a dataset with some empty cells:





To count the non-empty cells:



This formula counts the number of non-empty cells in the range A1:A5, which is 3.

     Q4 Attempt any ONE out of TWO the following.                                                    [1X4=4]

a)How do you apply conditional formatting to cells in Excel?

Steps to Apply Conditional Formatting in Excel:

1.Select the Range of Cells:-Click and drag to highlight the cells you want to format. For example, select cells A1 to A20.

2.Open the Conditional Formatting Menu:-

1.Navigate to the Home tab on the Excel ribbon

2.In the Styles group, click on Conditional Formatting.


3.Choose a Conditional Formatting Rule:

From the dropdown menu, you can choose from several types of rules. Here are some commonly used ones in data analysis:


       Highlight Cell Rules: Highlights cells that meet specific criteria such as greater than, less than, equal to, or between specific values.

       Top/Bottom Rules: Highlights the top or bottom values, percentages, or averages.

       Data Bars: Adds a visual bar inside the cells proportional to the value of the cell.

       Color Scales: Applies a color gradient to the cells based on their values.

       Icon Sets: Adds icons to cells to categorize them based on specified criteria.


4.Define Rule Parameters:


       After selecting a rule type, a dialog box will appear where you can set the parameters.

       For example, if you choose Highlight Cell Rules > Greater Than, you would:

1.      Enter a value (e.g., 50) in the "Greater Than" field.

2.      Choose a formatting style (e.g., fill color, text color).


5.Apply the Rule:


       Click OK to apply the rule.

       The cells that meet the criteria will now be formatted according to your specifications.

b)What are the key steps involved in building an Exploratory Data  Analysis (EDA)

 project in Excel?

Data Collection : Gather the relevant data that you want to analyze in Excel. This data can come from various sources, such as spreadsheets, databases, or external data files. Import the data into Excel and organize it in a structured format, such as a table, for easy analysis.


Data Cleaning : Clean the data by identifying and handling any missing, inconsistent, or erroneous data. This may involve removing duplicates, filling in missing values, correcting data entry errors, and standardizing data formats.


Data Exploration : Use Excel's built-in data analysis tools, such as filters, pivot tables, and charts, to explore the data visually and gain insights. Generate descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation, to summarize the data and identify trends, patterns, and outliers.


Data Visualization : Create visually appealing and informative charts and graphs in Excel to visually represent the data. Use various chart types, such as bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, and heatmaps, to display different types of data and relationships between variables.


Data Interpretation : Interpret the results of your analysis and draw meaningful conclusions from the data. Summarize your findings and insights clearly and concisely, using charts, tables, and written explanations.


Reporting : Create a comprehensive report or presentation in Excel to communicate your findings and insights to stakeholders. Use Excel's formatting, styling, and visualization features to create professional-looking reports that effectively convey the results of your EDA.


Documentation : Document your entire EDA process, including the data collection, cleaning, exploration, visualization, hypothesis testing, interpretation, and reporting steps. This documentation will help you reproduce your analysis in the future and enable others to understand and replicate your findings.

Q4Q5.Attempt any ONE out of TWO the following.                                                    [1X4=4]

     a)Explain Sum and SUMIF functions  in Excel?    

     SUM is used for straightforward addition of numbers in a range.  SUMIF adds the numbers in a range that meet a specified condition.


       The SUM function in Excel is used to add up a range of numbers. It is one of the most commonly used functions in Excel for performing arithmetic operations.


=SUM(number1, [number2], ...)

number1, number2, ...: These are the numbers or ranges you want to sum. You can include up to 255 arguments.


If you have numbers in cells A1 to A5 and you want to calculate the total sum:


 SUMIF Function in Excel

The SUMIF function in Excel adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria. It is useful when you need to sum values based on specific criteria.


 =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

 range: The range of cells that you want to apply the criteria to.

criteria: The condition that must be met for a cell to be included in the sum.

sum_range (optional): The actual cells to sum. If omitted, Excel sums the cells in the range.


Suppose you have sales data in columns A and B. Column A contains product names, and column B contains sales figures. To sum the sales for a specific product, say "Apples":

 =SUMIF(A2:A10, "Apples", B2:B10)

This formula checks each cell in the range A2:A10 for the word "Apples". When a match is found, it adds the corresponding value from the range B2:B10.

b) b)What is the difference between COUNT ,COUNTIF functions  in Excel ?


Counts only the cells with numerical values.

Ignores text, logical values, errors, and empty cells.


Counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition within a range.

Can count cells with numerical values, text, or other criteria.


Practical Examples

COUNT Example:

Count the number of numeric entries in a range:



COUNTIF Example:

Count the number of cells in a range that contain the text "Apple":

=COUNTIF(C1:C10, "Apple")

      Q6.Short Notes Attempt any TWO out of THREE the following.      [2X2=4]

      a)Data Validation in Excel

      Data validation ensures that users enter valid and consistent data into a spreadsheet. It restricts the type of data that can be entered into a cell, provides input messages, and generates error alerts.

Example: To restrict a cell to only allow whole numbers between 1 and 10:

Select the cell(s).

Go to Data > Data Validation.

Set Allow to Whole number.

Set Data to between.

Enter Minimum as 1 and Maximum as 10.

      b)Descriptive Statistics

     Descriptive statistics summarize and describe the main features of a dataset.

Mean: The average value.

Median: The middle value.

Min/Max: The smallest/largest value.

Range: The difference between the max and min values.

Unique: The count of unique values.

COUNTA: Counts the number of non-empty cells.

      c)Key Components of Data Analysis

      Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources.

Data Cleaning: Removing or correcting errors and inconsistencies.

Data Transformation: Converting data into a suitable format for analysis.

Data Modeling: Using statistical models to analyze data.

Data Visualization: Presenting data through charts, graphs, and other visual tools