Monday, 9 December 2024



DEQUE – It allows insertion and deletion into a Queue from both the ends

IRDEQ – It is a double ended queue in which insertion can occur from rear and deletions from both the ends

ORDEQ – It is a double ended queue in which deletion occurs from only one end front and insertion from both the ends

 Define degree of a tree, generation, pendent node, depth of a tree 

Degree of a Tree : maximum degree (children) of any node

  Generations : sub tree of a node is called generation

Pendent node : A node in a tree without any children and with a degree zero

Depth of a tree : maximum level of a tree

Explain Omega, Theta and Big Oh

  • The Big Oh is the upper bound of a function. In the case of algorithm analysis, we use it to bound the worst-case running time, or the longest running time possible for any input of size n. We can say that the maximum running time of the algorithm is in the order of Big Oh. 

  • omegais also an order of growth but it is the opposite of the Big Oh : it is the lower bound of a function. We can say that the minimum running time of the algorithm is in the order of omega

  • thetais the rate of growth that is the most interesting of the three. It is composed of both Big OH and omega