Wednesday, 7 December 2022

sales_order (ordNo, ordDate) Client (clientNo, ClientName, addr) The relationship between Client & Sales_order is one-to-many.

Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with appropriate data types and Constraints.


Client (clientNo, ClientName, addr)

Sales_order (ordNo, ordDate)

 The relationship between Client & Sales_order is one-to-many.

Constraints: - Primary Key, ordDate should not be NULL.


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:



SQL>create table client(cno varchar(10) primary key,cname varchar(20),addr varchar(20));

SQL>insert into client values('CN001','Abhay','Pune');

SQL>insert into client values('CN002','Patil','Pimpri');

SQL>select * from client;


SQL>create table sales_order(ordno int primary key,ordDate varchar(23) not null,cno varchar(10));

SQL>insert into sales_order values(1,'18/04/2019','CN001');

SQL>insert into sales_order values(2,'09/08/2019','CN002');

SQL>select * from sales_order;


 1.Add column amount into Sales_order table with data type int.

SQL>ALTER TABLE Sales_order ADD amount int;


 2. Delete the details of the clients whose names start with ‘A’ character.

SQL>DELETE FROM Client  WHERE ClientName  like ‘a%’;


Consider the above tables and execute the following queries


1. Delete sales order details of client whose name is “Patil” and order date is “09/08/2019”.

SQL>delete from sales_order where ordDate='09/08/2019' and cno in(select cno from client where cname='Patil');

SQL>select * from sales_order;


2. Change order date of client_No ‘CN001’ to ‘18/03/2019’.

SQL>update sales_order  set ordDate='18/03/2019' where cno='CN001';

SQL>select * from sales_order;


3. Delete all sales_record having order date is before ‘10 /02/2018’.

SQL>delete from sales_order  where ordDate<'20/10/2019';


4. Display date wise sales_order given by clients.

SQL>select ordDate, ordNo, clientNo from sales_order   order by ordDate;


5. Update the address of client to “Pimpri” whose name is ‘Mr. Roy’.

SQL>update client set addr='Pimpri'    where ClientName ='Mr.Roy';