Monday, 12 December 2022

Hospital (hno ,hname , city, Est_year, addr) Doctor (dno , dname , addr, Speciality) The relationship between Hospital and Doctor is one - to – Many Constraints: - Primary Key, Est_year should be greater than 1990.

Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with

appropriate data types and Constraints. 

Hospital (hno ,hname , city, Est_year, addr)

Doctor (dno , dname , addr, Speciality)

The relationship between Hospital and Doctor is one - to – Many

Constraints: - Primary Key, Est_year should be greater than 1990.

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:


SQL>create table hospital(hno int primary key,hname varchar(20),city varchar(20),est_year int check(est_year>1990),addr varchar(20));

 SQL>insert into hospital values(101,'ruby','pune',1993,'dholepatil road');


SQL>create table doctor(dno int primary key,dname varchar(20),addr1 varchar(20),speciality varchar(20),hno int );

 SQL>insert into doctor values(1,'PATIL','pune','Cancer',101);


1. Delete addr column from Hospital table.

SQL> Alter table hospital drop column addr;


2. Display doctor name, Hospital name and specialty of doctors from “Pune City”

SQL> select dname,hname,speciality from doctor,hospital where doctor.hno=hospital.hno and city='pune';

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries: 

1. Display the names of the hospitals which are located at “Pimpri” city.

SQL> select hname from hospital,doctor where doctor.hno=hospital.hno and city='Pimpri';


2.Display the names of doctors who are working in “Birla” Hospital and city

name is “Chinchwad”.

SQL> select dname from doctor,hospital where doctor.hno=hospital.hno and hname='Birla' and city='Chinchwad';


3.Display the specialty of the doctors who are working in “Ruby” hospital.

SQL> select speciality from hospital,doctor where doctor.hno=hospital.hno and hname='Ruby';


4.Give the count of doctor’s hospital wise which are located at “Pimple Gurav”.

SQL> select hname,count(dno) from doctor,hospital  where doctor.hno=hospital.hno and addr='Pimple' group by hname;


5.Update an address of Doctor to “Pimpri” whose hospital is “Ruby clinic”.

SQL>update doctor set addr='Pimpri' where hno in(select hno from hospital where hname='Ruby');