Sunday, 18 December 2022

Book (Book_no, title, author, price, year_published) Customer (cid, cname, addr) Relation between Book and Customer is Many to Many with quantity as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, price should be >0.

 Slip 8


Consider the following entities and their relationships. Create a RDB in 3 NF with   appropriate data types and Constraints.

Book (Book_no, title, author, price, year_published)

Customer (cid, cname, addr)


 SQL>Create table Book (Book_No int Primary key,title varchar(10),author varchar(10),price int ,year_published int);

 SQL>Insert into Book values(101,’cprog’,’yashwant-kanetkar’,200,1990);


SQL>Create table Customer (cid dint primary key, cname varchar(10) , addr varchar(10)) ;

SQL>Insert into Customer values(201,’archana’,’pune’);

SQL>Create table Book_Customer(Book_No int ,cid int,Quantity int);

SQL>Insert into Book_Customer values(101 ,201,4);

 Relation between Book and Customer is Many to Many with quantity as   descriptive attribute.

Constraint: Primary key, price should be >0.

 Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

Display the name of book whose author is “Mr. Gadhave”.

SQL>Select title from Book where author=’ Mr. Gadhave’;

Add column EMailId into customer table.

SQL>ALTER TABLE customer ADD emailid   varchar(10);

Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1.Display customer details from 'Mumbai'.

SQL>Select *  from customer where addr=’Mumbai’;

 2.Display author wise details of book.

SQL>Select * from Book order by author;

 3.Display customer name that has purchased more than 3 books.

SQL>Select * from Book , Customer,Book_Customer where and Customer.cid=Book_Customer.cid  and Quantity >3;

 4.Display book names having price between 100 and 200 and published year is 2019.

SQL>SELECT * FROM Book WHERE price BETWEEN 100 AND 200 and  year_published=2019; ;

 5. Update the title of book to “DBMS” whose author is “Mr. Talore”.

UPDATE BOOK  SET title = DBMS WHERE author=’Mr.Talore’;