Monday, 19 December 2022

Employee (emp_no, name, skill, payrate) Position (posting_no, skill) The relationship between Employee and Position is Many to Many with day and shift as descriptive attribute. Constraint: Primary key, payrate should be > 0


Employee (emp_no, name, skill, payrate)

Position (posting_no, skill)

The relationship between Employee and Position is Many to Many with day and shift as

descriptive attribute.

Constraint: Primary key, payrate should be > 0


SQL>create table Employee(emp_no int primary key, name varchar(10), skill varchar(10), payrate int);

SQL>insert into Employee values(101,'asha','chef',2000);

SQL>create table Position (posting_no int primary key,skillp varchar(10));

SQL>insert into Position values(101,'asd');


SQL>create table EP(emp_no int,posting_no int,Shift varchar(10));

SQL>insert into EP values(101,101,'morning');

1. Display skill of employees name wise.

SQL>Select * from Employeee order by name;


2. Update the posting of employee to 220 whose skill is “Manager”.

SQL>UPDATE postion SET  posting_no= 220 WHERE skill='Manager';


 Consider the above tables and execute the following queries:

1. Find the names and rate of pay of all employees who has allocated a duty.

SQL> Select name,rate from employee;


2. Give employee number who is working at posting_no. 201, but don’t have the

skill of waiter.

SQL>Select name  from  Employeee, Position, EP where   Employee.emp_no = EP. emp_no and  position.posting_no=EP.posting_no

and Position.posting_no=1 and skillp not in('waiter’);


3. Display a list of names of employees who have skill of chef and who has assigned

a duty.

SQL>select name ,skillp from Employeee, Position, Employeee_Position where   Employeee.  emp_no = Employeee_Position. emp_no and  Position.posting_no= Employeee_Position.posting_no and Position.Skillp=’chef’;


4. Display shift wise employee details.

SQL>select name,shift from Employeee, Employeee_Position where   Employeee. emp_no = Employeee_Position. emp_no   order by shift ;


5. Update payrate of employees to 20000 whose skill is waiter.

SQL>UPDATE employee SET  payrate= 20000 WHERE skill='waiter';